Why change current systems? Are they not working well? Despite all the claims of fraud, the actual fraud found in our current election systems? Extremely rare. Usually between one fraud vote between every 50,000 and 100,000 votes. The current system to check voter eligibility wouldn't change. Fraud would still be extremely minor. The only change would be the POTUS would be elected by popular vote count.
See, there isn't fraud guys. We don't check ID's so there's no reason to suspect fraud... I wonder why banks don't do this. They should just do the honor system like we do in some states with voting LOL. And some posters wonder why we laugh at them constantly...
If there was widespread fraud, please explain why there is no evidence of widespread fraud? But plenty of evidence such as this, this, this, this, and plenty more links debunking the myth of voter fraud out there? Or, are you going to claim 2000 mules was actually a work of non-fiction? Now that's something to laugh about!!!
See, no fraud guys... No one can explain why we don't need ID to vote when you literally need ID to buy alcohol, take a flight, open a bank account or to simply buy a car. It's kind of hard to prove fraud if they literally aren't checking voter ID's. I guess that's the point for the far lefties...
Claims widespread fraud and why we need to change our laws. When asked for proof of widespread fraud, delivers nothing of substance. When confronted with tons of evidence there is no widespread fraud, responds again with nothing of substance! But still claims we NEED to change to prevent magical, widespread fraud that he, nor anyone else can actually prove exists!!!
Can't produce any evidence of widespread fraud, denies tons of evidence that widespread fraud does not exist, still wants to change things to combat widespread fraud. Which one of us is stupid?
Too funny. See, there's no fraud. Simple as that. How do we know? Well, because we don't check for ID we just know there's no fraud. Solved! Awesome. I have no idea why I have to show ID to board a flight. I mean, there are millions of people traveling daily and how many people are trying to do it illegally? They should just trust I'm who I say I am and then boom, no more lines at the airport! Brilliant...
It's funny to read what these Liberal people think about the Electoral College... as if they can change it with a bill. Learn something about The Constitution.
Have you ever even read the Constitution? Do you have any earthly idea how to amend it? Try reading Article V before you embarrass yourself like this again.
LOL. Wow, so if you don't check for ID's how can there be evidence of fraud? Wow, it's like calling Heads I win, Tails you lose. Good one...
Exactly. There is literally no reason to not have an ID requirement to vote except to promote fraud. No one on the left complained about it being racist to require vaccine passports for people but of course it's somehow racist to want to require an ID to vote. Anyone saying it's racist to require ID to vote is actually the racist in believing that somehow minorities can't get an ID themselves.