The number of lizards, monkeys, snakes, hogs, and parrots in Collier county isn't good. Lots of different types of lizards from Jesus lizards to iguanas to ??? We carry a pellet gun in the boat for mangrove hunting..or you can choose a guided experience
You might very well be correct, but I'd prefer to take my chances with a feral cat when I go out to get my newspaper in the morning as opposed to one of those mini dinosaurs.
Aw. I want one as a pet. Gonna post “Beware of Defense Lizard” on my front door. I’m also super tired of solicitors ignoring the “NO SOLICITORS” signs all over my property. I’m pretty sure a cranky Nile Monitor answering the door will provide good feedback on bothering me.
Especially the cat-eating Haitians. I also understand that those invaders have known to inhabit construction sites performing labor, in fields picking produce, in slaughterhouses gutting and cutting dead animals and even in homes, retail stores and commercial buildings armed with mops and buckets of liquid detergent.
I had never heard of those before, but after a quick read it would appear they make terrible pets. Maybe that's why they were released in south Tampa. I can see where that would get annoying at night.
I don't guess those things couldn't handle the cold up here in the Micanopy area where I live. I wonder if the Coyotes would eat them? I would be using S&W Wesson on them not grabbing them. It looked like those dogs knew what end of that big lizard would hurt them.
feral cats do in numbers, not in totally decimating an ecosystem like the pythons are or the way melaleuca can go monoculture or bambooo in hawaii taking over entire mountain sides and choking stuff out.
have these all around our office. called jesus lizard because they are web toed enough to run short distances over water with the aid of their tail, not what the woman from ohio says first time one runs across her lanaii.
I don't know if you listened the whole thing, but the trapper spent most of the second half at an animal rescue facility because the damn thing had killed and was starting to eat a baby kangaroo. I wouldn't be trying to catch them, I'd be making wallets out of them.
Every chestnut tree east of the Mississippi is gone (save about 20) except for the roots from a blight introduced from east Asia. It has killed up to 4 billion trees. Billions of pine trees are dead from Pine bark beetles. Go to GSMNP and much of the view from Klingman’s dome is dead trees. And in the Everglades over 90 percent of most mammals are gone from pythons. So if cats were our worst problem I’d be happy, even if they are killing a lot of birds.
nope, the economy would grind to a screeching halt without them. we're talking about things that are bad for the if you want to talk about cubans and how they will kill anything that swims when they're fishing, that's a different discussion
totally forgot about the pine beetle and the chestnuts. they have a blight resistant chestnut and are doing a reforestation plan Restoration | The American Chestnut Foundation
can sprint at 5 feet per second and the get colorful when they flare up. damn primitive looking mini-dinosaur. 15 - 20 feet sprint across water