Wow So much whining about something so easily overlooked. Reminds me of several conservative posters back when Biden won. Oh well… both sides are the same.
Cowered from the board? Since when did it take any type of courage to sit behind a keyboard and type a post on a message board?
IMO, generating activity doesn’t demonstrate good faith or even good debate. Getting “NUH UH” with every attempt for said poster to explain their position would normally get an eye roll and a block. That’s not possible. It also brings up a question of bias. Example: would I ever think I’d make a fair moderator on “Too Hot?” Absolutely not. You’re good. Tilly is good. Neither one of you spam right wing links and then snipe nonsense or feckless comments.
I've found that staying away from Too Hot is the best medicine. Plus, I won't get banned for saying what I think.
And only 1 of them is new since I counted 5 yesterday. That means at least 3 of them were brought back to the front page by someone posting in them. They must have had meaning to someone.
I counted 8 yesterday shortly after you claimed 5. Thought I counted near the same time you posted but I could be wrong. The problem in my opinion isn't the number of threads anyway but how little the OP comments and the nature of his comments. Even worse that he is a moderator. I'm bipartisan in my distaste for today's politics so I'm not taking sides here but as someone who's interested in discourse he doesn't really offer any and repeatedly answers questions with "January 2025" as some sort of call to look at the scoreboard. Dems and left of center certainly dominated the board here and have their share of spiking footballs however I don't recall river or any mods acting like some of our resident spammers. Just my opinion.
That is because a certain poster went back and posted in several threads that were on the second page to bring them back to the first page.
Wow, everything was going so well and then this happened. . . . What a ridiculous statement. Do you actually believe this, or are we just doing the drunken tailgater routine?
Actually, it's the exact opposite. But I guess that's what bubbles do. If anything, the liberals were at their worst under Trump 1.0/Me Too/BLM/George Floyd. That was, by any and every objective measure, the peak of the liberal outrage machine. . . and their power to influence policy in that direction. Since then, it's been ALL MAGA with the hysterical ninnieism, most of it just for the sake of gaining some political advantage. It's your side that talks about woke 24/7, who has dozens if not hundreds of YT channels devoted simply to that topic. The Ds actually shut up about it a long time ago, but are too feckless to make a full break (Sister Soulja), so MAGA has been able to successfully hang it around their heads. But all of this, for the last 4 years, has been coming from MAGA world. And for good reason. THEY WON!!! So, learn to take the win. And don't get too comfortable. The "other side" seems unwilling to play the game moving forward, so everything from here on in is all on MAGA. Like I said before, I expect 2% inflation by June.