… Billy D despised the dreaded last game before holiday break for all its trappings. This UF team avoided those perils (resoundingly) to stay unbeaten. UF Heads Into Holidays With 54-point Rout of UNF - Florida Gators
Even though we lose an extraordinary backcourt at the end of the season, Golden has shown a talent for knowing how to build a roster. I expect we'll slip a little but still be a team to be reckoned with. No worries.
Come on man. We've played less than half this season and you're already worrying about next year. Just enjoy what's happening now.
After you brought up two negative issues that have nothing to do with the current season of which we've played less than half until it's completely over. What's the rush?
You are such a sunshine-pumping, simplistic, maroon. All praise of Todd Golden must be couched in conditional terms at all times. This team is going to lose a game and it will, once again, be TODD GOLDEN NEEDS TO GO crowd that will return in droves. He was, remember, hired by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Spelled, and we are all supposed to hate anything that person has done, any person hired by that employee, and anything even mildly disappointing that happens in the city of Gainesville or Alachua County is a direct reflection of him. #sarcasmfontneeded
The amount of bickering and bitching on this forum are amazing to me. I don't get it. We're all Gators so what the heck?
Saying that there are no worries for me about the Gators in the future and that CTG knows how to build a roster makes me a "Negative Nancy." Got it. I appreciate your help because I was truly confused.
Portal God Todd will work his magic yet again. I'm sure we'll find another Pullin or Martin (or 2 or 3). He's shown that we can showcase their talents and be a launching pad to get them in the NBA. SEC rosters will be in incredible demand next year in general, so if we can place at or near the top it'll be that much easier to sign exceptional talent
Your need to qualify the compliment with negativity, counterfeits the compliment. Tell someone how great they look, and then tell them going to look like ass next year because things are going to change. Ask them if that's a compliment.
My question is a legitimate question. I'm not the one posting the negativity. I respond to nonsense. Is finding fault with someone that can't post without some form of negativity about the Gators on a Gators Forums BAD, let me know
@GatorPlanet is at most cheeky. He is not a negative poster, nor was his post negative or nonsensical. He was just talking about our 3 best players being seniors so we have to reload next year. Yes, it's this year. Yes, let's just enjoy the ride. But his post did not deserve such backlash. He even wrote "no worries" at the end of his post. Please just let it slide next time and pick much bigger battles if you want to call out a poster for being negative. This isn't Swamp Gas. Aside from in-game threads (which I'm also guilty of), posters on NBN are pretty positive and supportive. Let's all relax and enjoy the Holidays (and the fact we're 12-0)
It's cool. Rather than further wasting everyone's time by engaging Li'l Ou Ou, I've put that personage on "Ignore" instead.