No way to sugar coat this damning report. House Ethics draft report accuses Gaetz of statutory rape of 17-year-old, drug use and obstruction
Lol, you voted for a guy who cares about America so little that he wanted to appoint this turd US Attorney General. You wanted this report shelved so the Criminal-in-Chief could appoint a lackey with an equal total absence of morals. MAGA doesn't care about America. Or what is right.
Ghoulish. Absolutely ghoulish. How did Justice decline to bring charges? Fear of political fallout? Why did House Republicans refuse to publicly vote on its release when he was the AG nominee? You’re telling me Team Trump didn’t know about this when he was nominated? Failures. All around. No one’s hands are clean with this [GC mods would delete this word] getting away with this for years as a sitting member of Congress. I’m at my in-laws in Pcola. He’s already saying the report is fake news. It’s taking all I can do not to blow up at him. In a just world, this would lead to mass resignations.
So they've had this info how long, and not referred to Florida's AG? I like what Gaetz represented and stood for vis a vis fiscal accountability and reigning in waste, but those are serious criminal allegations described in the report, with plenty of W's and corroborating documentary evidence--especially v/v the 17 y/o--not even started senior year of HS. Guess it's high time to tee up the criminal prosecution.
This wasn't MAGA failing. This was MAGA doing what they do. They've tolerated, ignored and enabled crime for so long that it doesn't even seem unusual. After all, just look at this here with Gaetz: a felon and sexual predator nominated a totally unqualified different sexual predator to be........Attorney General of the United States! And this was solely based on Predator #2's willingness to help Predator #1 commit crimes, many of which were against our country. Shame on anyone enabling any of that.
I used to have a list of Republicans politicians and party leaders who were convicted of sexual abuse, and especially of minors, on my iPhone Notes. It was… very, very long.
This is just another day in today's GOP. With the release of this report I have him as the frontrunner for governor
He should face trial for sure. And all the democrats that stayed home and didn’t vote got what they deserve. There were enough of them to stop Trump from being elected. Add in all the people who flipped from left to right and you would have had a democrat as president. So many causes Trump got elected and many are due to democratic ignorants and quitters.
Trump supporters won't care at all. But Trump knew about all of this before nominating him to be THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Just really think about that MAGA folks on this board. Like really really think about it. I'll take your comments off the air.
dont forget the candidate the democrats put forward. I have to believe she had something to do with the results.
Agree but she still would have been elected if the democrats really cared. They shot themselves in the foot and won’t face the facts. Total failure on their part. Anyone who didn’t vote has no standing to complain.
if people voted based on party. Perhaps the democratic voters didnt go to the polls because Harris sucked and they didnt want to vote for Trump. My parents didnt vote for president, my nephew wrote in Youngkin.