and he is a moderator who cannot be blocked..someone needs to do something @rivergator @OklahomaGator if he is going to be allowed to spam the board can we please be allowed to block him or are we forced to srot throught he drivel to find real discussions
You cant make this up. Plenty of opinions and snippy posts on this thread and guess who are the only ones that are giving "negative" ratings like Dislike, Disagree etc? You guessed it. You will know their opinion whether you like it or not! This is too easy... see above.
Because it appears that you are in favor of spam when most aren't. I don't care who you support. Don't spam the board
Im just trying to help you guys win the next election. If you don't want my help thats fine, disregarding what I've been saying for years got you a twice impeached felon.
I conveyed your valuable advice to both the Harris campaign and the Democratic Party. Hopefully they heed your words and get bad libbies to stop feeling superior to people who enthusiastically voted for a felon rapist who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. You've convinced me that those feelings of superiority are very off putting, and are, in fact, the reason that Trump won.
The best person to help with the win next election will be Trump and the fact that the GOP clown show in the House is incapable of governing.
Pretty easy to figure out the content of a thread and where it will likely be heading from the title. Lots of threads in here, for me, just aren't worth one's holding a gun to your heads. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Yep. The only thing that keeps a thread on the front page, at least if the board is busy, is people responding.
If I wanted to read the Blaze, I can just go to the Blaze. Why does each Blaze headlines get a separate thread? Can he just post an ongoing “Blaze Headlines” thread and just keep adding to it?
his contributions to the babes thread gives him cart blanche to create how every many threads he wants.
I only counted 5 when I got on tonight and those five had 249 responses, so some posters are not only reading them but replying to them.