Congrats to this years Panel Winner. Hell of a season. I'm currently booking two tickets to Vegas so pack your bags. Thank you to @RealtyGator again for bringing this game to us for our enjoyment. And like I say every year.... for 7 years.... next year is definitely my year.
Congrats to Novagator - helluva run this year. I am grateful to actually finish with some points, about 90; so, here's the trend: Last year Blew out of water in September with Kentucky game - zero points This year Made it to December in "double-digits" Next year I'm going for triple digits... 2026 The sky is the limit. You have been warned.
True confessions time.... With 2300+ before the bowls I saw that those few ahead of me all bet on UF. I PM'ed Realty to say that I wanted to do the same, but couldn't make up any ground whether UF won by a little, a lot or lost. So I bet on Bama to beat a LOUSY Meatchicken team. I go home in last place. I earned it. I deserved it. Shame on me! Happy New Year to all!!!