I was going to bring your last 10 threads to the first page then agree with you but that would be too much work.
Quality of threads should factor in too. Abysmal lack of quality, that is. Maybe there's an effort here that is similar to the right-wing efforts with the public school system : kill it off in order to stifle thought, and better accept the sage words of Dear Orange Reality Show Guy.
Dude is using the board as a personal grievance space. Most threads also violate the rule about OP commentary. I've dropped my VIP membership because of it and will be notifying the management. If this site is gonna suck, I ain't paying for it.
The morning and crying is hilarious. Sounds just like all the repubs over the last 4 years… Same coin two sides.
Trump winning made the Chatter cockroaches come crawling back here to gloat and prance around. It’s amusing to watch.
Just think - if most of you didn't make it your life goal to demonize anyone you disagree with, they'd probably die with a low response total. Yet here we are. Nobody is holding a gun to any of your heads telling you to chit on Bill. You all are doing it becuase you're liberals and liberals are just unpleasant people who need to make sure we know you're smarter and better than everyone else.
Nah. Dude cowered from this board for years and then came crawling back after Trump won. It's telling.
This is a far left echo chamber - any threads against Dems get fire and brimstone on sight. People who simply didn't agree with everything the Dems say (me and others) were constantly shit on and told we are Trump supporters just because we didn't agree with everything you guys said or gobble up your media talking points hook, line and sinker. Even when told repeatedly that we don't support Trump, you all made backhanded comments aimed at us as if we truly cared enough to play some game where we post here saying we aren't Trump supporters when we are in secret. These kind of things are what I've been telling you guys for years would push people away. The name of the game is gain votes, not create enemies when there were none. You all push the narrative over and over and over again in every thread. Even if it were true that Bill disappeared when Biden came to office, can you blame him? FWIW- I dont see you as one of the worst offenders
He didn't just disappear. The situation would be tolerable if we were allowed to block mods. GC needs to revisit that rule...stat.
Your premise is flawed because this is not a far left echo chamber. Most posters here are college educated moderates who realize Trump is a shit bag. There's like 4 or 5 actual far left posters here. You even categorize me as some left poster. Nothing could be further from the truth but Trump supporters think if you don't support Trump you're left.
Bother me? Bothering me would mean that I want your approval in some way. I can guarantee you that's the farthest thing from the truth. I truly couldn't care less. Outside of Gator sports, I'd probably not talk to most of you outside this sub-forum assuming you are the people you make yourselves out to be (election day champagne lady types). See, if you all didn't trip over yourselves to make me the bad guy and think Im a closet Trump fan, you'd see that by stance on most policies are left leaning. I'd say I have more left leaning stances than conservative. Im really only fiscally conservative and even that is only to an extent. Im very liberal with regards to drugs, immigration, abortion... Yet you all push people like me away with your actions. Now take that knowledge and apply it to losing the previous election to a twice impeached felon. Maybe, just maybe you'll start to see the error in your ways. (just kidding, you wont)
I just wish there was some effort at setting up a debate. Dude throws a Fox link and then writes a half sentence that says nothing. He is using the board like Facebook vs a debate platform. I’m not clicking in any of them as there is no engagement. Just a troll.