They saw no hope and no promise with the cackler. No surprise to me.
We can educate ourselves out of this. It's sad that with all these little name games the OP likes to play, one of the few politicians he shows deference to is the 34 time convicted felon/serial liar/abuser of women.
Because they are the ones helped out by tax cuts of which 80% went to corporations and upper brackets? Highly doubtful.
Keep in mind that although their percentage of voting for the Democratic candidate was lower than in past elections younger voters still cast their votes for "the cackler" by a significant margin. As with voters in general within less than a year there's going to be significant "voters remorse among younger voters and when they discover that the Orange One's policies haven't improved their economic well being they're going to return to the Democratic Party for the 2026 midterms. Youth Voting in the 2024 Election - Data on Young Voters
Actually there was an 11 point difference in 2024 Youth Voting in the 2024 Election - Data on Young Voters
It’s a low risk bet for them. Lame duck President Musk has 2 years before the midterms. We’ll get Trump 2017 tax cuts tax extended and younger replacement for 2 SCOTUS judges. Meh. Nothing else will stick.
Definitely. Inflation wasn’t global and the US absolutely had it the worst. We weren’t the only major economy in a recession. Definitely not. It’s all fake news.
And then realized that Trump's tariffs were going to drain it? I don't think so. Trump is going to do some great things for billionaires the next four years. For the younger generation? Not so much. Biden did more for the younger generation (paying off college loans, etc.) than Trump will ever do. I don't agree with throwing money at colleges to deal with the problem of the high cost of college, but that was something positive for younger people.
In this instance, Trump IS the stove. And, no, democrats did not say that touching the stove would not hurt.
The sad part is the working class is convinced that the richest people in the world really care about them
These Billies will take care of ya’ll. When you feel they aren’t, review your daily instructions. It ain’t that hard. Just “you make me laugh” at all negative realities. That way YOU are the “elite”, which of course you hate. Don’t spend brain capital on that though. You have a boat to pet.