I didn’t know he was the Senators son until the very end. I kind of hate that I know who is dad is now. It was HIS moment. And it was great for HIM. And yes.. Bug Dez played a HUGE role!
theoretically the wrong board but since people are responding as long as it stays non-political I am leaving it
Good story for sure. What a great ending to a bit of a pedestrian game. We just needed a marriage proposal to a cheerleader to top off this Hallmark ending.
If Trump was watching the game and saw that TD, he probably quietly thought to himself "ha...good for little Marco."
yeah, I thought it was poor taste for the announcers to keep talking about his dad. Mention it and then return focus to the kid. To be fair, I have a hard time listening to Andre Ware on any broadcast.
Me too. The announcers were clearly the b team ( better than the FSU game announcers who seemed to be pulled out of a bar in tally.
I was hoping for Dez to get a TD, but still a great story for Anthony. As far as the announcers, Ware can stuff it, he is terrible.
I think it’s crap to make fun of a kid because I think his dad is a spineless “yes man.” I’m damn happy a walk-on got to get a TD in a bowl game and have a “Rudy” moment.