You are aware that he was referring to the bill that your boys Donnie and Elon backed, not the bipartisan compromise bill that you referenced in the original post in this thread? By the way it would have cut "wasteful spending" like this from the original bill, a decision of which I'm sure that you approve. Funding for pediatric cancer research removed from spending bill
If it still had that repugnantly offensive Congress = Royalty immunity from subpoena power that protected the people's servants from having to disclose and answer for their correspondence in their capacity as our servants (as the first bill did)... anyone who approved of THAT shit, is basically a traitor. Yes, that includes Trump. How can any red blooded American abide such a patently offensive concept?!?!?! File that one with the Spendemic, as shit i categorically call out as absolutely un-American, regardless of party affiliation. Every single semi literate (or above) half educated (or above) American should want to tear DC down for even hinting thst that's even remotely acceptable. Mo'fos. If we can't see eye to eye there.... we're @#$%&d. As a nation.
Quote of the day: “We’re living in a world where facts instantly perish upon contact with human minds.” George Packer, The Atlantic Otherwise known as ‘the Trump effect’.
yes, and the purchase of RFK stadium land. Neither has anything to do with keeping the government funded until a budget can be passed.
there is always pork in every bill, some of to an excess- the original bill proposed was ree dik uh luss. The second one proposed was much better but was voted down as well. They have to get a bill done by tonight, so it will probably happen with way too much pork added to it, but this is what happens when you wait until the last minute. It does not seem to matter which party is leading the House- something has to change ( I for one want term limits) and we have to quit adding all the BS pork so that members of Congress can use it to get reelected
Biggest impact to the shutdown will happen after the weekend. Perhaps they do a small CR to get till mid January. They’re always so good at kicking the can down the road
Born in December 1943, I never thought I'd see our country disintegrating at the hands of a narcissist enabled by servile minions without guiding principles. I weep for my - and everyone's - children and grandchildren.
Cheer up, MAGA managed to keep the appropriation for children's cancer research out of the final CR. That's a victory for you guys, definitely something to be proud of. How little-noticed measures to help kids with cancer became a major line of attack on GOP spending bill
MAGA cut the following….. “The following are the five pediatric cancer measures that Republicans excluded in the new continuing resolution bill: A program that rewards researchers for approvals of pediatric cancer drugs with valuable vouchers that require faster Food and Drug Administration reviews of another drug application of any kind. The priority review voucher program was to be extended until 2029. A program that would allow kids with cancer who are covered by Medicaid and the Children’s health insurance program known as CHIP to receive out-of-state treatment. New authority for the FDA to fine companies when they don’t complete required pediatric studies. The FDA already has this authority for adult studies. New FDA authority to require that companies study pediatric drugs in combination with other treatments for the same disease when those treatments are owned by the same company or are available as generics. Funding for pediatric cancer research at the National Institutes of Health.”
This post is one of many examples of why the country is in deep trouble - people who have actually convinced themselves that the incoming president and his minions will make America great again when they have in fact been ruining it. The reality is, unfortunately, that many people the world over prefer fascists or dictators.....until its too late to reverse course.