The University of Florida football team set the team fall semester GPA record with a 3.37, breaking the previous mark of a 3.15 fall GPA set in 2023. The team also matched the cumulative team GPA of 3.34, matching the record set in the spring of 2024. Along with the impressive GPA numbers, the Gators had 102 players (78 percent of team) that earned a 3.0 GPA or better in the Fall 2024 semester. Additionally, eight players posted a 4.0 GPA in the fall. In total, 102 players currently hold a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Eleven players graduated in the fall of 2024, two with master's degrees, while eight post-graduate players earned certificates.
GREAT News!!! I owe UF for everything I have. Outside of my family, there is nothing I cherish more than my time at UF.
This is crazy. Either grading has gotten easier or we have some great citizens/ student athletes on our team. I guess this is one part of the culture improvement that we were promised with CBN. Congrats to our football team!!
First, congrats to the boys. Tremendous work in the classroom. Is this what we consider "culture improvement" though? When I hear that term, I think of it like staying out of trouble, accountability on and off the football field, bringing it all to practice (hard work), checking your feelings or personal beefs at the door. Stuff like that. I mean, we're not striving to be the new Vandy here, are we? Grades are nice to see, but if my favorite player struggles a bit and has a 2.7 GPA one semester, I'm not going to consider him a cancer or detriment to the team culture based on that metric alone.
Based on your past posts I'm going to guess you've never done sports- at least at the collegiate level. Or coached much at all. I'm always amazed at your ignorance as to how a team works. Any team. Team culture- especially big time CFB- Constitutes so many things... Grades are one, going hard at practice is one, not being out of control rapists at PotBellys (to name an example from 2013) is another. A team is an organism. It's truly powerful and can help each member achieve far more than he/she ever thought possible. I've had my disappointments w/ CBN but seeing us continue to play hard even after that disastrous start was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen as a Gator. Not just hard- but at crazy high levels. That's a great culture. I can't remember any other Gator coach who could have done this. (Though I acknowledge theoreticals are impossible to prove.) Muschamp's teams after the 2012 loss to UGA is a great contrast. We mailed it in vs Mizzou, and almost let a Louisiana directional school beat us. So to answer your question- grades are one element of a great culture. Not having guys on the police blotter every weekend is another, guys playing hard when all hope is lost is another. And the things you mention. Of course. As far as your academic struggles- the contrast to a Deion Sanders his last semester who literally never went to class is a far better example. They had to put in a new rule that made academic scofflaws like him ineligible for the bowl game- just because of what he did. I'm glad we don't have a coach who winks at stuff like this- like Bobby used to. Boyz will be boyz. Gators should be better than this. Our Gator team is not perfect- no team is. But we've come a long way in a few years.
Yeah, I mean your entire reply is just rambling stuff that doesn't exist in any provable format. The idea that we're keeping up with this team for their GPA is asinine. By all means, be happy about it. There's nothing wrong with it.
All true but I also thing that grades and behaviors are linked. If the kids care about what kind of grades they are getting (within the team's culture) then they are also less likely to get into trouble. So it shows up in the GPA but also doesn't show up in the police blotter.
Any positive thread about our team will get crapped on by choobee.. As soon as i saw the title, I knew the troll would be on here to do his handy work. I don't consider it ignorant, i consider it intentional.
He hates our team, or has no idea how a team works, or is simply a troll who lives for negative attention. Or all 3!
I am inclined to believe at this point he’s entertaining himself by simply trying to see how big an asshole he can be and daring the admins to do anything about it. So far they haven’t. That’s the game I think he’s playing
i've been on this board since the SOS era in the late 90's. i can't remember a time when trolls ran rampant at the expense of the gator nation. looks like some have sold their soul for increased clicks to allow this to continue
He is definitely a troll, full of massive suckage. He definitely hates our team. Like others, I cannot understand why he is allowed here. Everyone can see this.