Putin has a valid point here. What is it with those Russian people? It's like they expect to eat every single day.
I could see djt threatening NATO f they provide the means and methods to allow Ukraine to say no to freeze the lines with Ukraine getting out of Russia. No reparations. I can see that as a djt/putin deal he would try to enforce by being a bully. he wouldn't want anyone to get a better deal with Putin than he could.
and more than once a day, do you know how much bus fuel is wasted carrying fat russians to the market? if you are so hungry, why so plump" eat better stuff, lean, fresh meat like rodent, strong. ADD OT -think how much jet fuel and groceries we could save if mounjaro was free...hate that I agree with Musk on anything
If one listens to Zelenski ANY negotiating with Russia / Putin is useless, irregardless of what Trump says or Trumps proposals to create "peace". Zelenskis justification is: They (Russia) invaded Crimea under false pretensis and lies. While (supposedly) limited in scope initially, Russia ultimately continued military aggression and took control of all of Crimea. Then they invade Easterm Ukraine and said "we want the provinces in the Donestk region" whom are sympathetic to Russia. Then they attack Kiev. Zelenski has said, no serious Russian negotiations, because should Ukraine do so, the Russian pattern is to "settle into the disputed territories, tear up the aggrements, and then, once the Kremlin percieves the time is right, simply open another front to continue Ukranian territorial aggression. Zelenski and Ukraine no longer put any confidence in Russia negotiations because of the constant russian lies, followed by ski military aggression. Facts have shown, Russia / Putin are liars, dishonerable, and do not adhere to treaties, or aggrements. Negotiations according to Ukraine are fruitless. Considering Putins actions in Ukraine to date, who can deny Russia does not recognize any limitations to Ukrainian Expansion? (Outside of the pathetic Kremlin bots that pollute this forum). I agree with Zelenski, Putin is a bully, and there is only one way to deal with a thug like that. Trump can run his mouth all he wants about "his peace" but the realities of the situation are clear to Ukraine. IMO Trump will eliminate US aid, unless of course Putin offends Trump ego, which is a possability. The European NATO countries will have to decide to stop Putins aggression. If they are serious about it, Ukraine may very well succeed. If they don't, well, Ukraine will fall.
They are very dependent on the US for a lot of logistical support. If Trump were to withdraw it, they would have some issues.
Trump needs to implement stiff sanctions on Russia when he gets back to WH, increase spending on military aid to Ukraine to a full Trillion dollars, and really work on pushing Russia out of Ukraine, and back into Russia--no other result is acceptable. Period. Trump needs to lead the west and Europe in defeating Putin, and ultimately ousting him. This MUST happen NOW!
Putin wants to challenge the U.S. to a missile duel over Kiev. He claims (yet again) that he has an unstoppable missile, and he wants to test fire it at Kiev and see if our weapons can shoot it down. I might agree to this, if we could test one of our missiles by pointing it at the Kremlin at the same time. I even think Zelenskyy would be on board with this. If Russia wants to have a duel, they should have some skin in the game. Putin proposes experimental 'missile duel' with West
Putin claims that the reason that food costs have increased in Russia is that people are consuming more. Russia's population is shrinking--is it likely that Russia is consuming more as its population gets smaller? Russia's population is dropping by 700,000 people per year, due to old people dying off and women being unwilling to have children. There are an additional 50,000 deaths per year due to combat with Ukraine. Another 300,000 people per year have left Russia to avoid military service. Mu guess is that Putin is lying, like he does about everything else. Putin projects image of strong Russia at annual press conference
caused Syria to fall Caused Finland and Sweden to join NATO Depleted Russian weapons and troop stocks Has basically rendered the Russian Navy useless Geopolitically it is the gift that keeps on giving
Hmmm....gonna have to re- bait my hook here... c'mon fishies... it had everything your regular worms and bugs have... what's wrong with my bait? Was the hook showing forth? .. Was it the Trump stank? Is sexy Ukraine spending no longer sexy if it's tainted by Trump stank?
My confidence level is very high on the following. Roughly the same level of confidence I had on Donald Trump winning the election, if that tells you anything: 1. Ukraine NATO ascension is Russia's dark red line. Any negotiations that don't guarantee Ukraine's neutrality will go no where. Russia will continue the war indefinitely, as long as Ukrainian neutrality is not part of the deal. 2. Russia is not going to agree to move borders back to 2014, nor surrender any currently held capitals in the Donbas or Crimea. This would be another non-starter for Russia for which they would continue the war indefinitely. 3. There is zero internal pushback from the Russian populace on this war, aside from the rare outbursts here and there that have always been present in Russia and frankly, in the U.S. In other words, after 3 years, there is no more anti-war sentiment inside the country now than there was at the start of the war. In fact, it's potentially less. 4. Current Russian goals are to slowly crawl north and west in Eastern and Southern Ukraine as they have been doing for the gist of this year, absorbing losses and waiting for the Ukrainian front to collapse under withering aid. Odesa is not completely off the table, but unlikely. Ditto Kharkiv.
When maga delayed the U.S. House military aid bill for Ukraine, it was disappointing to see NATO unable to step in. NATO supplied armaments but fell far short of what was needed to hold back Russia. Surprisingly, Australia ranks quite low military contributions. I mention them because, despite their limited assistance, they have a low opinion of the U.S.
Smart people consider the savings of the war. If Ukraine wins, we save trillions of dollars over the next decade. Dumb people can't think that far in advance.