Europe’s economic apocalypse – POLITICO I found this to be an interesting read. The EU's lack of innovation, openness to immigration and focus on the welfare state has them heading into a doom spiral. Something America shouldn't be trying to emulate.
Confused. The article doesn’t blame immigrants for the issues. Europe had hoped that an influx of immigration would offset population loss, but their issues are cited in the high-end areas of the market. (Read: engineering, PhDs, etc). You’re reading into this through your own prejudice here. EU appears to be doing what killed the US in the 80’s: failing to recognize or proactively addressing falling behind the curve. The welfare side of this is that it’s not caused major economic pains among the people. IMO, based on the article, the failures here are more along the lines of complacency than anything else. Trump’s nihilistic economic warfare will just make it exponentially worse.
Every time I have looked over the last 50 years the USA has never not been open to legal immigration. It’s the illegal immigration that we have and should have a problem with. I believe that falling behind the curve started in the late 60’s and through the 70’s. During that time our auto and electronics industries were gutted by better and cheaper goods from Japan.
This is true, except the message of this last election cycle has completely blurred the distinction between legal and illegal immigration in the minds of the average American. And I think that poses a serious danger.
All the democrats focus on is the welfare state… …and increasing its recipients. It’s a recipe for shit.
I do not agree with your interpretation of the last election cycles message. The only blurring of messages over the last 30 years is blurring the line that opposing massive, uncontrolled, unvetted immigration over the southern border is the same thing as anti-immigration.
The border issue was kicked down the road by numerous Administrations, including the last Trump Administration. Why? “Migrant caravans” scare people to the polls. Trump even admitted he scuttled a deal between Biden and Republicans because he wanted to deny Democrats a win. It’s purely performative politics with lives that many view as less than human. There are ways to deal with the border crisis humanely. They involve properly funding immigration courts, addressing the root cause of people fleeing their homes, and properly housing them until they’re vetted and given a green card. Breaking families up, putting them in long-term detention, dropping them into inhospitable regions in Mexico, or Lord forbid, actively gunning them down are acts of craven monsters.
Those costs aren't the responsibility of the taxpayers. If they can't show up to the proper immigration gates with the proper paperwork then they should be rebuffed. Cross illegally and you should be immediately picked up and put back on the other side of the border.
they show up, the US doesn't have the infrastructure in place to properly process them. there was a bipartisan bill approved to help fix that and the fentanyl smuggling but djt ordered it killed so he could campaign on it. good for him, chitty for everyone else. par for the maga course
A lot of these people arrive at the proper gates and are waiting. Others are taken into facilities and released for lack of space, funding, and judges. Here’a the thing: a lot of instability in Central America is due to US meddling. Toppling unfriendly regimes, funding drug lords to sew chaos that we later exploited, and the chicanery that brought us the term “banana republic” cannot be ignored. Again. I’m not advocating open borders. I’m absolutely against what are inhuman and intentionally cruel tactics that are intended to intimidate and scare already desperate people. It’s against any sense of decency or faith I’ve grown up with. It’s also completely unnecessary unless your primary concern is bloodlust.
Sure. Here’s a link on the story with quotes from Senators that have spoken with him: Senate nears bipartisan border deal that Trump calls 'disaster'
Problem is we throw everyone into the same line (at the border) now. As I heard it described, you could be a 12-year combat veteran, with 5 Bronze Stars and 10 Purple Hearts, who took a bullet for the POTUS and you still have to enter at the border. Best plan I've seen (which will never happen because it actually makes sense and doesn't have a bunch of rhetorical "juice") would see us creating several "lines" for entry based on the background of the immigrant. I.E. Border Patrol probably doesn't need to spend a lot of time on that line I just described or even others with similar makeups of immigrants. Thus, that guy with 4 thousand neck tattoos climbing the fence is "probably" a criminal.
European Immigration and American Immigration are two completely different things. But, you know, simple minds need simple answers. Here, let me simplify: Spanish/Native American race, Christian religion, European Romance Language VS Arab/African race, Islam (and some Christian) religion, ME or African language. Not even in the Indo-European family (not counting Iran). Now, back to the simplistic tropes, because we wouldn't want to break anyone's brain by bringing up things like the differences in assimilation rates, crime rates, etc. where Europe is having a lot of problems that the US doesn't have.
This would all require a properly funded and trained border patrol not being used as political props by politicians, unfortunately.
Europe seems to be in the grips of the same madness as the USA, racism, bigotry, austerity, corruption, hollowing out anything decent or good ...
Oh, I forgot. Any immigration plan that doesn't call for a massive increase in Border Patrol agents, facilities and funding isn't a serious plan. Because that's step 1 if you actually give a damn.
While a number of them complain about the welfare state I'm sure very few Republican recipients of Medicare and Social Security have any problem with those socialist programs.