another corrupt DA on the sideline
Corrupt? That's funny right there. Did you see that phrase used multiple times..."APPEARANCE (emphasis added) of impropriety"? No actual wrongdoing, no corruption, nothing illegal. The good news is the indictment against Trump and fiends was upheld.
And in this thread, if the prosecutor had been removed from the OJ Simpson trial, he wouldn't have cut the heads off two people with a knife. Because what matters is not what (crimes) happened, it matters who the prosecutor is.
That said,, those state charges are dead in the water. Georgia is not putting a sitting potus on trial.
They can proceed against "and friends" and let the nation and the world see what Trump did. Trump can face the music when he leaves office.
I watched a good bit of the Young Thug trial. The DAs office had problem after problem. I did see that she got re-elected, but not a model of competency or professionalism from what I saw.
LOL! The Georgia case is as good as dead. Bitch all you want, but this case should have never been prosecuted. Neither Willis nor anyone on her staff can continue the case. Lawfare, witch hunts, and persecution of opponents and those who disagree with woketardism, is what the democratic socialists have done to our untrustworthy justice system. That all starts to change on January 20. New York is next.
not only was little miss fanni removed but the ruling removed the entire Fulton County DA's office from proceeding with the case
At all. She really is a disgrace to all prosecutors. Such an amateur. Like, wow! You were handed one of the biggest cases in US history. . . but just couldn't keep it in your pants. It reminds me of Trump and the bread trails of evidence he leaves behind everywhere. You know they're going to be looking, going to go over everything with a fine-tooth comb and yet. . . . Talk about tone deafness and just basic lack of self control. Pathetic.
It matters that you treat a case this important with the respect and due diligence it deserves and not behave like a 20-something college student with no self control.
Of course, she was the DA. If you remove her, you remove the entire office. That's how it works....even in Florida.
Who cares if Trump tried to overthrow the election? When do I get my personal tax cut? Been busy at work this week and we are ready for the 15% corporate tax rate.
That's another big negatory based on any LEGAL considerations. Please note the Trump College of Law & Taxidermy is NOT an accredited law school.
CNN of all networks CNN’s Elie Honig says Fani Willis’ disqualification is final nail in coffin of Trump’s Georgia case - The Daily Bo Snerdley