geez louise what a pile of pork- what the hell is wroing with these guys- and yes jo and dmz I do realize who is running the house The Craziest Things Congress Snuck Into Its Pork-Packed Christmas Spending Spree
Trump and Vance both slammed the deal Trump, Vance call on Congress to scrap budget bill, pass clean CR 'without Democrat giveaways'
Just a guess but it's very likely that a lot of that "pork" was supported by Republicans as much as Democrats. Speaking of pork (and yes the pun is intentional) the overwhelming beneficiaries of the Feral Swine Eradication program mentioned in the link are in Red states and red House districts. Last time I checked there aren't may feral hogs in NYC or Massachusetts and even in California the swine are most likely located in rural counties with Republican members of Congress.
what % of the pork went to red states? round numbers?? who gets to decide what pork is? do you have a definition we can use?
I heard there was a pay raise for Congress in the bill. THat seems ridiculous, they can't even get a budget passed.
I’m so, so tired of Trump et al crushing bipartisan deals. The crap isn’t a damn game. If there’s any better indication that the right fringe of the GOP cares only for uniparty power, it’s crap like this. I’m glad I’m off until early January. I’m using the time to find somewhere else to work. I’m sick of being a pawn in Republican games.
spending you like or that benefits you: necessary spending you don't like or does not direclty benefit you: pork next Of course there is waste, but not every dollar they spend is pork.
the only way a democrat ever compromises is for the pubs to move their way- dems never move to the middle
What, like the: CHIPS Act? Infrastructure Reduction Act The ACA Literally every CR in Biden’s last two years? You need to stop vomiting right wing news sites as fact or making things up.
Oh… and I forgot the bipartisan border deal that Trump tanked to increase his chances of election. Party over country. Trump over party.
my fear is that competent public servants like yourselves that ae in such need will give up the pension to gtf away from the politics that are likely to infiltrate their department. so much knowledge and skill cannot be easily replaced, product will suffer, events will occur...from doj to fbi to epa to faa bueno
Underrated insight. The GOP got infiltrated by a liberal. He’s moved the entire party to the middle as a result. He’s got liberals in high offices and most traditional conservatism is on the cutting room floor. FBI is now bad. Used to be a liberal thing. Food quality is bad. Used to be a liberal thing. Little guy economics. Used to be a liberal thing. Labor Unions are good. Used to be a liberal thing. Might be a good thread topic.