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So good to have Dr. Makary about to lead the FDA

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by QGator2414, Dec 18, 2024.

  1. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Now he's headed to the US government, where "doing great things" goes to die
  2. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Completely meaningless response. As if you can't buy literally hundreds or thousands of books on the subject, consume years of people talking about it, or, heck, try to convince everybody to listen to you now. There is plenty of "discussion."

    The question is what to do about the topic. Regulation of ingredients? Increased NIH funding for academic research on the topic? Increased regulations around the businesses that produce food? More regulatory power and flexibility for the FDA? Hope that the next book will convince people when the hundreds before haven't?
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  3. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Perhaps this doctor heading up an entrenched calcified bureacracy will resolve the contradictions of the right-wing's free market ideology where you should be able to sell poison and their voters disgust with the outcomes and its for-profit treatments by force of personality alone ... you never know! Maybe magic is real.
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  4. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    I absolutely think we need to follow Europes lead with food standards.

    It is a real public health issue. As Makary talks about in the video in the part discussing insulin. We need to have the discussion on how our body processes the bread as it is basically sugar to our body because of the way the food industry processes the flour. And then we market it as healthy because they add back a couple chemical nutrients. The seed oils are terrible for our bodies.

    Not sure how we get there. But it is kind of crazy how easy it is to make healthy food taste good. That said. It is easier to make unhealthy food taste good. But it is nuts the difference.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Give me a break.

    The reality is we do need to regulate the food industry in how they market foods. And yes we need to work with them to invest in ways to process foods in ways that our bodies will be able to take them in and process them healthy.

    Sadly many here will just keep over medicating. And it is problem in the training of doctors. They need to be better equipped to stand against it pharma and follow what the science and medicine is showing. It is an uphill battle for sure. Especially because so many are employees of the machine now.
  6. rump74

    rump74 GC Legend

    Dec 18, 2009
    Haha yea! The answer is more money and more gov. Im sure once we are $60T in debt and increase the gov to 40mil people working from home we will be healthy again.
    Get boosted, buy Boars Head.
  7. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    We will see. This might be the most optimistic thing for healthcare along with Dr. Bhattacarya being pegged for the NIH in a long time.
  8. rivergator

    rivergator Too Hot Mod Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Maybe, but that doesn’t address the toxins does it?
  9. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Q with a rare moment of honesty and self reflection…
  10. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Yes! Great point. I was going to give two points to start at but it was such a good video I decided to just let it go with the whole thing. I should have put this in the OP and will edit it with your advice.
  11. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    I was hammered for it.

    Edit. My position was if you had Covid you did not need the shot.
  12. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    I know we have a thread on it here already. But there is a small discussion on fluoride in water at the end. He does not necessarily take a stand one way or the other. But he does recognize the science is changing and where Europe is. Now this might trigger a few. But it is basically the same position Ladapo has for the same reason. The research and science is changing…
  13. CHFG8R

    CHFG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    St. Augustine, FL
    We need to bring back the private doctor. . . rich ones! I have no issue with Doctors getting rich off healthcare. My issue is when the Rick Scott's get rich off healthcare, and far richer than any of the doctors. I know you probably like him, but Scott and HCA are exactly what you're talking about. People like Scott have ZERO desire to see doctors empowered. Which make sense when you consider that most doctors are employees now and not independent businessmen and that HCA was one of the forerunners of this nasty trend.
    • Winner Winner x 2

    WESGATORS Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    If doctors are getting mega rich off healthcare, there will be always be Rick Scott in the picture. The logic of capitalism can not be escaped. To get mega rich, you have to operate at scale, and scale involves middle men and bureaucracy, and those things can be preyed upon by vultures who have no regard for the public.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  16. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    I like Rick Scott as a Governor and Senator far more than a leader of HCA.

    I agree 100% with your assessment on medicine.

    I have mentioned it once or twice recently. But we are just now getting into helping people with sleep. It is something that my wife has been following and working on as she continues to grow in the Dental field with her CE on Integrative Dental Medicine/TMJ/Airway issues. But Sleep Apnea is a major problem. And the system is a complete mess to help address it. A CPAP is absolutely the best option is the patient can be compliant and use it. But an Oral Sleep Appliance can be huge from the aspect of those who cannot work with a CPAP. The bottleneck has been that only medical insurance pays for a sleep appliance and only a Doctor (MD/DO) can prescribe one. But only a Dentist can legally make one. Way too much for us to get involved with when it comes to dealing with the medical side. But we have finally found a company that has widened the bottleneck. I will readily admit this is still not efficient (I have a Masters in Industrial Engineering). But for us to be effective and help people we are at least at a point where we can make the investment. I do think in 5-10 years we will be getting closer to a more efficient process and system. However it is going to take time to weed out a lot of the inefficiencies. The inefficiencies that corporations like HCA create.

    We are lucky to be in Dental. While the corporates are trying and they are making a headway. We are still holding strong. I really thought the corporates would have a stronger position in Dental than they do today. I was really concerned.

    With that said. We really are focused on the Integrative Dental Medicine. Where we work with the best doctors and specialists in our area to treat the patient. We do not do root canals. We do not extract teeth outside a few simple extractions. We do not do ortho. We do not place implants. We work with the Doctors that do those things day in day out. And educate the patient while being able to provide the highest level of restorative and preventative care one can find.
  17. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Not the case at all. If you take care of your patients. You will crush it!
  18. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    More patients = more money, that's how you get "rich." If the incentives are to maximize your earnings and scale up as capitalist logic demands, then you are going to fall into the same traps as what we already have. This is why I made fun of you for suggesting your plan was to make people country doctors who will perform cures for chickens or whatever you can barter. But honestly, that makes more sense than this hope that doctors can both "crush it" financially while maintaining some semblance of healthcare not being an assembly line.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  19. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    In what way? And what regulations do you want, specifically?

    Why do we need the government to "invest" in private, for-profit companies?

    Thus far, you haven't suggested a single concrete thing. Kind of tough to fight "uphill" if you can't even make a single concrete suggestion.