Sure. And this is an informative video by a well respected doctor that was not fed to me by an algorithm. But you can absolutely kill yourself clicking on videos you know nothing about. Remain ignorant if your bias dictates it...
Thank you slocala! There is actually a lot covered that I can almost guarantee...something will be of benefit to or interest to every single person on this board.
No problem. I hope you actually choose not to follow your current biases. As I honestly think you will find it a rewarding watch. Some really good stuff in it. So many want to just sit back and assume everything that was said once is correct. One of the more interesting things was on HRT and women as they enter menopause. So much damage was done when research ended up being wrong about HRT causing breast cancer. The part on Food is huge. We allow Pharma to push things like insulin when no one wants to discuss that Type 2 can be treated with diet. And the fact we need to address the food industry the way foods are processed and how our bodies then process that food.
We certainly need the discussion of how to deal with the fact many foods are harming the public. Which is what he is calling for.
Whenever we've done that conservatives go apoplectic, whether its with trans fats, Michele Obama trying to do healthy food or big sodas.
I remember this guy was critical of giving out COVID vaccines to people who had already had COVID when the vaccine supply was low. I'm not looking to stir up any of the COVID-related debate again, but it's clear he's spoken out against Big Pharma in terms of COVID vaccinations in that regard (as well as mandates); I would be curious to know in what areas anybody thinks he's likely to cozy up to Big Pharma. He seems to have strong credentials, and both Harvard and Johns Hopkins don't seem to have a problem bragging on him. Johns Hopkins surgeon Marty Makary picked to lead Food and Drug Administration Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
In fairness @wgbgator , you haven't exactly said what you don't like about the guy. At least Q has offered up a starting point. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
No doubt. This has been why RFK, Oz, and now Makary are enigmas within the DJT admin “de-regulation” mantra. OT: NIH and Battacharya are strange bedfellows. I suspect he will defund more than he produces in scientific progress. The NIH budget should be on the list for DOGE to spend time on the funding process.
The video is long, but it's also broken down into sections; if you're skeptical of his take, pick a smaller section of a topic that looks interesting to you and go from there (just a suggestion). Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Quick question: Would you support the US switching to the kind of food standards they have in Europe? For instance, ban on bleaching chickens while requiring far better sanitation in the processing plants and throughout the supply chain? I saw a video on this and it's pretty . . . . up. We literally just drown all our chickens in bleach because the major processors don't want to have to maintain standards at the plants. Mind you, copying "Europe" isn't very MAGA, but at the same time I'm jealous of their food quality. I know people who've traveled to Europe, eaten like pigs and LOST weight. Even with cooking videos, I find my self saying, "Why do their chickens, eggs, etc. look different/better?"
If a guy you didnt like who you knew had shitty taste in music recommended a band to you and said you had to listen to the hour long album to really get it, would you be like "sounds great?" Maybe I'm really missing out, but probably not. At best, he's like any other blandly competent doctor with a stake in our for-profit system that wont disrupt the status quo, at worst he's a total hack that will make things worse for everyone. What am I really missing out on?
It's not a recommend band, it would be like saying this band is going to perform at our home games next Fall and the person who has music taste different than mine likes them. Even if I didn't like the person who presented me with the information, I would still check out the sounds because it's coming one way or the other whether I like it or not. I'm either interested to learn about them and I check it out, or I'm not interested and I leave it alone, but I'm not going to trash the person who delivered the information, that doesn't strike me as useful in any way shape or form. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
And then what? That's a complete dodge of the question. Should food manufacturers/processors be held to a higher standard with the production and quality of our food? Or, is profit more important than the health of our citizens? FWIW, at this point, both parties have gone hard on the second option. But, that's what you get in a literal pay-to-play system. Someone has to fund those campaigns.
He has been against Big Pharma long before Covid. He is a huge advocate for transparency as well. He has been fighting for patients pro bono for a long time… 137 million Americans are struggling with medical debt. Here's what to know if you need some relief
No. I told you. He was not an algorithm find. He is a doctor who has been doing great things for a long time. Unfortunately your bias will not allow you to understand this.