I attended a conference last week where the head of the Navy's Disruptive Technology office stated Ukraine is on schedule to produce 4 Million drones internally next year.
Substitute regurgitated tractarianism, for facts, and we have something to talk about. I’ll further remind you that you asserted 200k Russian did in late 2022 when numbers were comparatively small. Your proxy is getting crushed but you’re marinated in a way that would send Pete Hegseth screaming from the room.
North Korean troops are surprised to learn that drones can be dangerous. They seem to have a problem related to having lived their entire life in the 1950's (a good lesson for modern-day Trump supporters ). They stand and shoot it out with the drone, almost always unsuccessfully. The drone operators say its like playing a video game on "Easy" mode. Good thing Russia does not do a very good orientation program for its newest "volunteers". North Korean troops don't realize drones are deadly and it's getting them killed, Ukrainian soldiers say
Ukraine’s defense of their home has been so stout it caused the Assad regime in Syria to fall. Incredible really.
Trump's Ukraine Envoy on the level of Russian causalities to Ukrainian.He was likely just given the Intel updates from the US IC on the conflict, so that should put an end to the speculation on who is having more causalities in this conflict.
We may have discovered the identity of one of our Russophile propaganda peddlers. The only question is which one. This one claims he has fulfilled his mission in Russia, and is therefore leaving the country. In actuality, he may have been too annoying for the Russians to tolerate. There is probably nothing worse than a ballet dancer lobbying to have your kids sent off to an unjustified war. Should have gone with the extra-large tattoo of Putin . . . Putin-tattooed dancer Polunin says leaving Russia
Yes, the odd thing is that his family is from the Kherson area of Ukraine. He seems to be fairly confused about the war and which side he should be on.
Doesn’t sound like a country that’s willing to settle because Trump says to. Europe needs to give them the electronic parts to continue making their own drones and arms.
Russia is going to great lengths to hide the news that North Koreans are dying in the Ukraine War. They are burning the faces off the dead North Koreans. I wonder what North Korea would make of this, if they ever found out. Videos show North Koreans in Ukrainian trenches as Russia ‘hides casualties’
they have definitely provided the blood and the pain and suffering. thankful that the EU stepped up, doubt they would have been so willing if someone else would have been in office when these decisions were being made. Aas bad as biden and boy sully slow played this, they may have been the ones that save Ukraine by simply not being in putin's pocket. The war is going much better for Ukraine at this point in spite of the current battle lines. My hope and prediction. Z is going to say no to djt peace proposal knowing that they now ahve the EU support and home grown tech and how bad Putin and Russia are hurting. This time, and garnering of EU support and sympathy, have given Ukraine more than a punchers chance at this point if the EU can fill half the void. Russian warehouses upstream are emptying rapidly
Russia had an environmental disaster in the North Sea off the coast of England when it dumped 300 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer into the water. The ship was not sea-worthy (no surprise there), and there was a concern that the ammonium nitrate (contaminated with fuel) could explode. Hopefully, Russia will have to eat the cost of the fertilizer and pay for the cleanup. Ship dubbed ‘floating megabomb’ dumps toxic fertiliser in North Sea
I wondered where they were going to discharge that environmental bomb...there needs to be consequences for this bs..
That’s generally how that works … until it’s too late for said “starvors” to care. Then it gets more interesting for those of us on the outside looking in.
posted this in the Syria thread but it belongs here One highly aggrieved warlord with a blood feud against a regional enemy supported by the central leadership? Reads like a cheap diem store novel...ooohh, don't forget junior warlord who warlord sr must impress..will china find a way to help chechens? Russia on the brink of civil war as Vladimir Putin regime challenged by warlord Chechnya's powerful leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has launched a scathing attack on two of Vladimir Putin's most trusted and senior officials. The tirade was aimed at Alexander Bastrykin, the head of Russia's Investigative Committee, and Vladimir Kolokoltsev, the Minister of Internal Affairs. Both men are closely linked to Putin, with Bastrykin being one of his closest allies and Kolokoltsev directly appointed by him. Kremlin watchers interpret Kadyrov's public criticism as a direct challenge to Putin's authority, indicating growing dissent among the Russian elite. Kadyrov, also a key ally of Putin, is incensed over the house arrest of a Chechen teenager accused of hooliganism. The 14-year-old is said to have been part of a group that allegedly assaulted eight people at a Moscow shopping center and Khodynka Pole Park in September 2023.
almost. if they ate less and more of a variety of edible objects, prices would fall Vladimir Putin pressure evident as leader lashes out at out Russian population's eating habits In a peculiar twist, Vladimir Putin has implied that the dietary habits of Russians might be contributing to the country's escalating food prices. During an extensive live-broadcast press conference on state television, where he fielded questions about the economy, Putin faced the issue head-on as citizens express outrage over the skyrocketing prices of basic foodstuffs. The cost of potatoes has shockingly surged by 78 percent, with significant price hikes also seen in cabbage, beetroots, and butter, ranging from 27 to 31 percent. At the outset of his conference, the Russian leader tackled economic matters, aiming to convince the populace that the situation was under control. While conceding that inflation was indeed troubling, he proudly claimed that the nation's economic growth was set to hit nearly four percent this year. Shifting the focus to the specific problem of food price inflation, Putin suggested that the consumption of certain products had outpaced supply.