Finally getting a doctor in an important position that actually follows science (add to it Dr. Bhattacharya to lead the NIH). Understands science changes. There is so much good you will hear in this video. I can guarantee you that no matter your political leaning. You will find valuable information in this video. From Insulin and Diet. To HRT and testing. Dr. Markary is the definition of what we need in our leadership when it comes to health!
Not clicking that video. Petty sure that if I do, it will tell me to ward off covid by eating horse dewormer, popping anti-malaria pills, and shoving a UV light up my ass. (And not getting vaccinated, of course) Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.
So sad that some of you are so obsessed with Covid and me that you are not willing to listen. Your loss. It really is good stuff about the problems in medicine. From Big Pharma to Big Providers to Big Insurance.
Another ignorant post. Ironically Makary is known for helping patients fight the idiocy of medical billing.
Democrats have been preaching about that stuff for decades and there's been nothing but crickets from the right wing. I'm not watching the video but I'm sure the guy is probably either an anti-vaxcular or anti-Covid vaccine which would be the only reason that you are interested in him
One of the big problems of medicine and indeed society is people who watch shitty videos fed to them by a shitty algorithm and think they know everything, then try to get other people to watch them, perhaps in an online forum of some kind, maybe sports related
Fauci didnt head up the FDA, I guarantee no one even knows who the last guy was without looking it up, especially the OP.
Thanks for the link. Since it is an hour+ long I am going to schedule this right after FSU's bowl game this year. Will let you know what I think.
So if he’s concerned about all the toxins in the food supply, does that mean we should expect a ton of new regulations to force them out?’
Feel free to allow your bias to keep you ignorant. Makary has been one of the best far before Covid. One that actually understands science and medicine. It would do you good to actually not be so blinded by your own biases.