Our Lady Gators tip off against the Lady Tarheels, Wednesday December 18th in Charlotte, NC at 6:30 pm on ESPN U Hopefully the ladies can also beat the Tarheels and make it a sweep. Go Gators!
went to the mens game last night and will be there tonight. My office is about 2 blocks up from the arena.
Looking forward to watching. Schedule hasn’t worked out to watch a full game for a while. Hoping Reynolds makes a big jump.
Not seeing a thing I like..we look slow defensively. Just cannot get excited with this program, unfortunately.
here in the almost empty arena..Kyle is getting mugged and the refs seem to be ready to show us a lesson tonight. But our offense has stunk no matter what. We have no real shooters around Micgill and UNC has made it a point to grab and mug her until the refs have to call a foul. KRF didnt have them ready to me to start this game