I’d argue that the current crisis leans more towards complete distrust in each other. “Libs” distrust “Pubs,” and “Pubs” despise “Libs.” It’s like somewhere we forgot that we are all Americans. If we are going to do away with the Electoral Party, why not just do away with the Party system? Let’s let the people decide who has the best vision and ideas, as opposed to who has the best mascot.
Really? I looked at the reports of his rallies on Wikipedia during the general election. 7 in Arizona, 7 in Georgia, 11 in Michigan, 14 in NC, 5 in Nevada, 18 in Pennsylvania, and 9 in Wisconsin. That is 71 rallies in those states. In the other 43 states, there were 10 rallies. And that is, in general, more distributed than usual because he focused on big media events like NYC and Coachella. Their voice is discontent. You linked that to a lack of voice earlier. Democracy doesn't work as a counter argument because, to them, the government hasn't listened in decades. I have lived in two different non swing states for the last 4 Presidential elections. I see absolutely no promotion for either campaign, except when watching a sports team from a state that matters (e.g., if I watch a Georgia or Michigan or Penn State game).
Trump campaigned in both California and New York this year. https://apnews.com/article/trump-ca...izona-newsom-4557c2f98ffc179178fe5b6ec5bcf8aa https://www.c-span.org/program/camp...ampaign-rally-at-madison-square-garden/650435
There is a lot more complexity in the real world. "Pubs" are often more liberal than "libs" and "libs" are often more conservative than "Cons." The electoral college serves to cut up and put you into a camp. You become part of "red" or "blue." And when you become one or the other, neither party has the incentive to appeal to disaffected members of the communities there. Democrats didn't dump money into Utah to try to go from 30 to 40% of the vote, because, why bother? Parties are inevitable. There isn't a single democratic country in the world without parties.
Because your guy who advocates your views would have been in power. But there is loud opposition that feels the opposite. Look, I’m still stunned that Trump won the way he did, winning the popular vote and electoral college. Heck, I’m stunned anyone could even listen to him talk for more than 2 minutes. But it appears I’m in the minority, and I am definitely not ready to dump our system of representation because the guy I hoped would lose ended up winning.
Here's spending on the swing states. Kudos to Trump, who got more bang for his buck. But if you look at all other 43 states, a lot less money spent there. Even California, New York, Florida, and Texas. Why? Because those states weren't toss ups. Why spend money in a state that's already in the bag? Especially when PA was the big prize this year! This is what the EC creates. Intense focus on around 7 swing states every election. The other 40+? Irrelevant. And yes, Trump went to CA and NY. Once each. 7 visits to Arizona, which statewide, has less people than L.A. metro and NY metro respectively.
Trump had 3 rallies in New York, May 23rd, Sept. 18th and Oct. 27th. List of rallies for the 2024 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia
My opinion is that states where the verdict is within 1% point, each candidate receives a portion/fraction of the electoral votes. What way, it leads to less gamesmanship where candidates "throw all the resources into (insert state)" to tip the scale.
yep, instead of 50 separate state elections, a true national election based on popular vote. One person, one vote and none of that " this area does not matter" crap.
Without a EC, it would be a disaster in that scenario. If a dem gets 70M votes and a pub gets 70M and 1 vote, there would be recounts for years and likely violence and fraud. You can debate whether the EC should be proportional to the vote in each state instead of winner take all, but the EC needs to stay. It's a filter for total anarchy.
I don’t get this argument. Not only is the postulated scenario highly, highly unlikely, but it doesn’t seem to be an issue in other nations’ presidential (or president-equivalent) elections.
Ok, Trump is not my "guy" or whatever that means. Both parties can go f themselves. Biden is the enemy right now, but Trump will be on Jan 20th. The president is the enemy regardless of party when they are in office.