I'm pretty sure that you now could have bought in a private sale with no b/g check. Previously those checks were mandated, and done by sheriffs offices. It's gotta make everyone feel safe and better that now anyone in NC can buy a firearm without a b/g check. "Trust me, I'm safe." "Yes indeed, I am old enough." "No, I promise that I'm not about to lose this firearm, and a criminal find it. (wink wink)." Senate Bill 41, sponsored by Sen. Danny Britt (R-Robeson), eliminates the background checks that sheriffs now conduct on local gun sales, which close loopholes in the checks already mandated for federal gun laws. Plan to end background checks for private handgun sales in North Carolina approved in state Senate | FOX8 WGHP
Seriously. There is a good chance one of the parents bought the weapon for the kid, as we've seen in other instances.
No but "mass shooting" is a more encompassing reference than "school shooting" (and still acknowledging that not all "school shootings" are "mass shootings" as you indicate). If I had to guess, the psychology that goes into kids killing kids in school shootings is going to be somewhat more similar than the full scope of any person killing any person in a "mass shooting." Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
My guess is the deterrent is stronger than the actual catching of people. Most weapons never make it to the airport these days.
Well they sure catch any little thing I have. I once had a small cigar cutter. We couldn’t figure it out and had my toiletries and drawers all-over. Finally found it, rolled his eyes a let me on with it.
You act like its the only reason to vote.is this single issue. Whatever man. And I think you vote for people who support terrible things too Sigh...politics. But you continue to Ignore the obvious. Young kids arent getting these guns and shooting up their schools because NC depends on the federal background laws. They often obtain LEGAL guns belonging to someone who obtained it LEGALLY. Nothing in the North Carolina bill that you are clinging too would have prevented this tragedy, but perhaps a more secure environment might have. Go ahead, keep having your political fight with the gun nuts...meanwhile the rest of us have kids in these environments and are more interested in them being safe **TODAY**.
My 13 year old got busted a few months back because he stuck his regular size (half used) toothpaste in his clear bag.
Wants kids to be safe from guns......votes Republican. Too funny. Also, too bad all the people who want the kids safe **TODAY** didn't think about this 30-40 years ago. If they had, and America had enacted legitimate, uniform regulations....then maybe there'd be fewer firearms in the hands of criminals today. Maybe we'd be on a virtuous cycle of citizens needing fewer firearms instead of more. I wonder why that didn't happen? Oh yeah - Republicans sold out to the NRA. Well, its 40 years too late, but might as well get on the right track now. That or vote Republican some more.
I appreciate your response. I have little objection to Christian education. I only raise a stink when it’s done in public schools and in violation of the separation of church and state. My objection isn’t just “I don’t want God around”, either. There is a litany of schools, sects, denominations, and everything in between. Seeing any of these placed above the others, via state sponsorship, is equally repulsive. I’m nominally Episcopalian. I don’t want someone trying to force a Catholic worldview on me.
LOL. You've reduced yourself to this? OK. Say, what's the term for a person who casts a vote to empower the group that enables a criminal and a rapist? Sort of like giving gas money to the getaway driver when you KNOW he's going to be driving the car to and from the site of the robbery? I don't know the exact term - some kind of enabler. "Criminal enabler"? "Rape enabler" ? "Treason enabler"? I dunno....but a person who does that's gotta do that, I guess.
True. But I'd send my kid to a Catholic school over a "Christian" school (I'm not even sure what that means) 100 times out of 100. Went to one of those once. Got kicked out (along with 15 others on a single day). Good thing too as I was behind in several classes when I got to the local public school.
You understand how silly you sound when you accuse me of this right? Perhaps this is the stupid crap that makes people dig in so deeply to beat your side. Your side has done things that I find abhorrent. I don't think every democrat supports those things or is evil of they did. The arrogance with you even silences your own side. Note no one supports the crap that you say. I am literally a supporter of gun laws, but you need a fight so you move the goal posts to "oh yeah but blah blah blah." I am a parent.... With school aged kids. i care deeply about this subject. But this is just a political game to you. The NC law wouldnt have stopped this. The veto of that law hasn't caused anything. Killers arent letting gun laws stop them. At least not the type that you are railing about. We shouldn't let that stop us from trying, but playing political games isnt helping. But by all means ramble on.
"Attack", by saying he sounds like a bot by just repeating the same empty point over and over again? Lol, No. People on your side call @vegasfox a bot all the time. To the point where O actually did some verification that he is not. Jo is just looking for a fight even though he knows I actually agree with his gun position.
To be clear, I’m talking more if we’re providing the desired religious education as part of the metric. My wife got her MBA at Loyola New Orleans. It’s a stellar program. She’s Episcopal.
maybe. But somebody willing to take the time to plan something could Google as easy as me and see the percentage that is discovered by TSa is very low , so push through whatever metric you want. You want 3 weapons, then send 7 people and there is a high chance you could end up with 5 or 6. My opinion the only person deterred is the guy who took the wrong bag to the range and forgot to switch back but that guy was never a real security threat anyway. Hence my comment we spend billions and get zero from it….. and the only reason the traveling public is any safer is separate security measures by the airlines themselves that prevents a cockpit breach and has zero to do with TSa and ‘ Screening’ which is an absolute boondoggle
You get that kind of instruction in Catholic primary and secondary, but in that decidedly (dare I say "scholarly") Catholic School way. Think Marco Rubio's morality vs Matt Gaetz.