This thread is testimony to the hate mongering ignorant American left. News Flash: Trump walks across the street. Democrats lose their mind in loathing rants. And y’all wonder why ya got yur asses kicked on November 5th.
The potus elect says or does something, making it newsworthy. Some decide to talk about it and you have a problem with that. Feel free to scroll on by. Do you have an opinion on the threat to the news outlet or is this you spreading more of that hate you were just bitching about?
I don't know why Trumpers lie about things that can be easily verified. Rassmussen and/or Tragalar had Trump winning Penn, Mich, Georgia, Az, and Nev in all their final polls in 2020, which would have easily put Trump over. It's the type of thing a person could look up in the RCP archive and see for yourself... Trump should sue them ... or Maybe Biden should sue them ... LOL
I've been generally opting to ignore the Trump-related news, but this one merits comment. Trump is a soft-ass, freedom-hating biotch. Enough said.
maybe they could quietly use some of those business earnings to help fund a PAC for freedom of the press to pay the legal defense would seem to be the least they could do for being so damn french about the whole thing.
what one would find if they looked is that djt almost always loses cases that go to verdict and actually get settled by the law. he wins when he intimidates during negotiations to get his terms. in court, when cases decided by the law, he loses. consistently
You said that Trafalgar, Rasmussen and Rich Baris said Trump would "easily win" in 2020. Rich Baris said 2020 was going to be a "quasi election^ because of the mail-in ballots.
This is a great thread to show the Leftists hypocricy as that come out and hate the legal process... the same legal process that they love when it's inflicted upon Trump.
The objection isn't the legal process (as I suspect that this will get thrown out by the legal process pretty quickly).
Nah, that's just crap Rich Baris made up after the fact to pretend he wasn't wrong.... looks like you fell for it ..