Lol. Did I say it was THE solution? (Hint: I am a proponent of stricter gun laws.) *I just realized your post was edited. In which you made a stupid false claim about my gun opinion. You should probably note, I have never owned a firearm and never plan to and I actually think the arguments for guns are generally pretty silly. I support 2A, but think it should be *ahem* "well regulated".
No it Isn't lol. Adding a second layer of doors doesnt make it a "prison". (The food might be similar, but I'm pretty sure the kids can leave at the end of the day )
Yeah, you just vote for the people who are, well, preventing and even eliminating rational regulation on firearms. (Seen the elimination in your state of background checks for private handgun sales? Should allow more criminals, kids and school shooters to arm themselves.) Oh, and that "door" bull***t is just so people can avoid the real issue. The USA doesn't have 5x the population but 50-100x the school shootings of, say, England or Japan because doors.
If the perp wants to off themselves, too bad they can't leave everyone else out of it. Go out into the woods and have it at it.
Some folks think movies like Die Hard are documentaries. Having seen Tilly’s posts and political leanings, I think the comment about a second layer of protect is in the vein of what we can do in the current political climate. Is it a BS band-aid? Of course it is. Does this county appear to have the courage to enact actual gun control? Nope.
How is this turning into a Christian bash? What is a "rigorous Christian education?" Do you believe the suspect was raised with Christian values? Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I remember reading that we went through a phase during the turn of the 19th/20th Century where there was a political bombing, on average, every week. Imagine that today?
I might add some caution, as last night I saw many versions of the "manifesto" appearing on X with different spins to different political bents. I am not sure if they have released the actual confirmed manifesto yet, but beware of fakes.
Yes. I don't understand what it is about the concept of "we don't infringe on other's rights due to bad actors in America" libs have such a hard time understanding. But, I think some of them do understand it, yet still see the opportunity to use a tragedy to score some points on their political beliefs. Sad part is, they never seem to score any points, despite using numerous tragedies for this purpose over the years.
More recently, the FALN alone conducted at least 130 bombings over the course of about 9 years, up to like the mid 1980s. In the lifetime of many people posting here.
What is it worth, politically? What policy is the pro-death supreme court going to sign off on? Enjoy your ideal society, you achieved it. We are all just living it now. Do we have to like it or something?
We live in a country without the political will to do anything after Sandy Hook. Hell, we loosened gun regulations. People keep voting in these same politicians and granting them additional power. It will take a substantial grassroots movement, with competent political leadership and a long-term view to make any changes at this point. I want strict gun control laws. I’m still a realist.