why? Are you a black Belgium woman or sumpin'? I think it is a science fact that terrified white suburban males are the most likely to own a gun.
ahhh, having no clue about the constitution feeds your terror. not surprised; &, your investment strategies. Lol
Was going to ask the same question. I believe so, if we're talking school shootings. Which, I believe, is what is fueling all the online speculation that this 15 y.o. was transgender.
Nonsense. My point is we are never informed of the results. So where can we see what we've learned about what has been leaked with each of the school shootings that has taken place? Where can we see how we've learned and adjusted policy to adapt to these leaks? Where can we learn about how "leakage" has helped to foil attacks on schools? "mass shootings" is not equal to school shootings. Same with these links... Five Facts About Mass Shootings in K-12 Schools From your link... "The overwhelming majority of individuals who commit K-12 mass shootings struggle with various aspects of mental well-being" It's not that these things aren't being investigated, it's that we're never informed of the results of the investigations. Anything on medical/psychological results for the shooters? Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Likely due to the fact they are minors. And with that comes probably limited data anyway. How many of these kids are seeing a psychologist? Probably not many of them.
Kids are all messed up today. What they need is a rigorous Christian education to get them on the right path. Oh wait...
Me too. Gonna need those guns to protect my family from those pederastic cannibals living in the Pizzeria's basement...
Just read the entire manifesto. If you look hard enough, you can find it. Heart breaking read to hear someone struggle so much. Nothing I read had anything about trans..if anything more of a neo nazi. She was a lost soul. Sounds like really Fd up childhood. Hates her dad. Mom was addict and OD… Possible columbine copycat/enthusiast if such a thing exists. Just hard to read if you have kids ( which I do) to think of someone in so much pain.
No. Twenty eight year old Audrey Hale was the killer of 3 children at the Covenant School in Nashville a few years back. She was a former student at that school run by the Covenant Presbyterian Church.
What gets me is how numb the kids at the school are to it talking to the media. This is the world they're growing up in, and a school shooting is as natural as an iximab drug ad or the next COVID variant.
You're so much better when you praise good law-abiding citizens/people like our team players in Swamp Gas... Sure, more can be done to keep guns from minors, but NO ONE would be better off if we were disarmed as a country.
Look it up. Maybe a third of the population owns a gun. And outside your hunters who decide to put something on their car you would never know who is part of that third. But you keep up with your ignorant belief if you wish.
RED ALERT! RED ALERT! HITLER COMPARISON!! RED ALERT! RED ALERT! (I suppose the laughable strawman argument is OK)