The author suggests a three-prong approach will save the US hundreds of billions. Medicaid is an easier target than Social Security or Medicare as it aids primarily poor children and people with little political voice. Last year the federal government and states combined contributed to pay out $880 Billion in Medicaid benefits. Lopping the head off that beast must have Musk and that smarmy guy literally salivating. Here's how they'll do it. 1. Turn Medicaid into block grants. Some Pubs are already on record supporting this. As the number of recipients increase, states will have to allocate additional money or cut recipients. Guess what direction the red states will be going? 2. Impose a work requirement which will cause 500,000 recipients, mostly medically unable to work, to lose their benefits saving $100 billion over the next decade. Some states have implemented this, got ill recipients kicked off the rolls and save significant money. No word on how those ill people who couldn't work are getting along. The exercise should be good for them, right? 3. Cut back the expansion of Medicaid that came with the Affordable Care Act. Hundreds of thousands of families earning under $43,000/year will lose their subsidized health insurance. I guess the good news is that as long as you're not a poor child or not so ill than you can't work or your family earns more than $43,000/year, these changes shouldn't affect you. On the other hand, if you are a Medicaid recipient and you voted for these people, this is what you asked for. Enjoy. MSN
I am pro-Medicaid all the way. It is way cheaper to provide Medicaid to folks which helps to prevent and catch and treat serious chronic diseases. Otherwise, these people will inundate and overwhelm our Emergency Rooms and hospitals for end of life care because these maladies were not caught early, which costs way more than spending the money up front. "Benjamin Franklin was on to something when he famously said in the 1700s, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Today, this saying rings true when it comes to the importance of health screenings." An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - Northern Light Health.
LOL. The “E” in DOGE = “efficiency”. Efficiency is achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort and expense. Article is about reducing the productivity, not the effort. maybe the “E” should stand for “elimination”
From left leaning yahoo RR is as wrong on economic policy as Gates said Biden was wrong about Foreign policy. He’s a Michael Moore level buffoon Crib notes - if RR predicts it, you can bank on the opposite Robert Reich Is Wrong About Billionaires—and Almost Everything Else Brilliant Scholar and a Bad Economist The Economic Fantasies Of Robert Reich | Hoover Institution The Economic Fantasies Of Robert Reich