I'd be pretty surprised if their weren't fire exits that are locked to entry from the outside. And loading docks, etc.
You still have emergency exits that only open from the inside. That is how everyone gets out, and you could monitor those doors for reentry.
So in other words......do nothing differently than now? Edit : what do you people think - schools have multiple entries through which anyone can enter just any time they want?
Close loop holes at gun shows, more strict background checks, heavy penalties for your guns not being locked up (child gets it to commit a crime/mass shooting, you go to jail). Normalize mental health evaluations. Registry for all guns. If you truly dont have bad intentions and you want your rights, you would be happy with any laws on the books. Being registered doesn't help the government. They are so widespread that if they tried to take them, they are going to have to go to every neighborhood in America regardless.
Twice weekly school shootings are just something we'll have to endure. We can combat this with meaningless conversations about, say....reducing the number of doors. Meaningful gun reform, such as, say....properly regulating gun shows, or preventing those under 21 from buying an AR-15 would simply be......onerous to gun owners.
You must be struggling to read. Where have i said that? But if you think doors to things like playgrounds and dumpsters are super duper secure in every school, you are the one who hasnt been around a school lately. One entry point for everyone. Multiple exits. You have two doors at each access point. That way the interior one locks tight on closing...even if someone jumps into the outer door as someone else exits.
I would think locking from the outside for fire escape doors is standard (everywhere). Monitoring is key but if he’s a student he can probably figure out how to get back in. But definitely a first easy step.
You just made my point for me. Rinse and repeat. We can have this exact same thread after the next one and the one after that.
Lol. Pretty sure I was at a school a few hours ago. So the solution to end school shootings is to.....add a second door at the already existing exit doors. And this in case...."someone jumps into the outer door as someone else exits" ? It's such a simple and thorough solution....wonder why nobody thought of it yet, lol. Look, this conversation is as pointless as every "conversation" that follows every killing of children by firearms at a school.
Nope, you missed the point. Guns don't kill...people do. One more thing. Do you really think disarming the law-abiding populace would keep criminals from getting guns, and stop them from killing people? And do you think that knives wouldn't be the next weapon of choice if we did? I think the criminals should be disarmed, but it might not have prevented this hate crime.
None of them should be. Teaching is complicated enough. Teachers are better off focusing on the job of . . . . wait for it . . . . teaching. I'm not arguing w you; just pointing out an important reality that not enough people understand.
It's almost comical to see you repeat the strawman arguments we've seen from the gun lobby for decades. Scratch the almost. Don't think anyone mentioned "disarming the law-abiding populace" though, lol. On the other hand.....uniform and rational gun laws might reduce crime by making it harder for criminals to get firearms. Could reduce firearm misuse by those under 21, or mentally unstable. Ahhhh, you don't care. Do your strawman; "They're trying to take away everyone's guns! "
Yeah, but teachers have so much extra time on their hands. Why worry about subject matter, pedagogy, developmental psychology, leadership and motivation, community and team-building, etc. when teachers can devote their time to G.I. Joe training?
so if you don’t want to arm the teachers who want to protect- then do like they do in Israel- armed guards at the entrance and all kids go thru a metal detector and then armed guards patrolling the halls
No, the gun did it. Without that gun, the 17 old girl would have yelling "bang, bang." Zero causalities.