Madison police say they don’t know the gender of the shooter. They missed their chance to check for pronouns and now we may never know.
And these things are related how? Also, the 2000s are not the 60s in many more ways than gun control laws.
Yep, the cost of doing business. That ship has sailed. We will never do anything serious about this issue. When is the next one?
Not related but an important question. Once Columbine happened seemed like it was the cat out of the bag. What is different between the 60's and 70's? Could be a lot of things but a couple are video games and social media. Not sure how you put that genie back in the bottle though.
Crime changes with society, there were plenty of shootings in the 1960s, including the president of the USA, MLK, Malcolm X and RFK. There were more serial killers then than now. This is the era of the lone wolf mass shooter, serial killing is not the crime of choice anymore.
Reports now are that the total killed was 2 and one of them was the shooter. 2 killed, 6 hurt in shooting at Christian school in Wisconsin
I think the guns have changed (more so than the people for sure), thats kind of how technology works, particularly in a capitalist economy where you want to make your product stand out
In this case they didn't change as there were plenty of semi auto handguns around in the 60's and 70's and the reports are that the shooter had a handgun. I am assuming it was a semi auto and not a revolver. Semi auto rifles were also plentiful although not the AR's like they are today.
Whatever the case, I dont think people have changed that much. There was lots of gun crime in the 60s, you just didn't see lone wolf mass murders like now. The types of crimes people do have a cultural dimension. People act out in ways reflective of the times.
introduce more guns into a violent atmosphere. we all know that every teacher would at all times properly secure their weapon, something even police officers fail to do. brilliant knee jerk reaction.
I hope you understand there is a lot more to this than taking some teachers to a shooting range and teaching them how to shoot a gun. That's the easy part. Training them how to deal with life and death situations is a whole different matter.
while I do understand that, you have to have a starting point. Start with those who want to do it and make sure they are properly trained- then offer training to teachers who are interested but not committed and let them decide in or out after the training