that CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere. You can go to YouTube & find home experiments if you are skeptical. What other evidence would you need?
SCIENCE NEWS : By Carolyn Gramling and Nikk Ogasa December 5, 2024 at 1:00 pm Over and over, the numbers tell the same story: 2024 was Earth’s hottest year on record, knocking the previous record holder — 2023 — out of the top spot (SN: 12/6/23). But temperatures alone can’t describe the human cost: humidity that challenges the body’s ability to cool itself; nighttime temps that rob people of sleep; power outages; wildfire smoke; ruined crops; rising cases of mosquito-borne disease (SN: 9/20/24). Meanwhile, record-breaking water temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico fueled hurricanes Helene and Milton (SN: 10/9/24). Helene’s torrential rains caused flooding across six states in the U.S. Southeast, killing over 200 people (SN: 10/1/24). Remind us what the initials GW are for.
Take some time to review current weather patterns, currents, and climate-related issues on the equator. If you’re genuinely interested, I’ll put the effort into doing your research.
this is where the climate folks shoot themselves in the foot. YOU DON'T NEED EARTH TO BE WARMING FOR THERE TO BE MANMADE GW!!!
Good Grief. The whole GW arg is a ceteris paribus arg. Humans create CO2, CO2 traps heat. All that is needed is that it is warmer than it would be w/o our CO2. relative. as few years ago I skiied in -17. I was cold! But, I didn't think damn, this fancy base layer, jacket, gloves etc. don't work, I'll just take 'em off.
Re-read your statement. I think we agree? Warming doesn’t necessarily indicate climate change. The fact that only anthropogenic effects explain climate change is the issue.
oh yeah, I should have said cooler. My pt. what if the climate is naturally cooling 3 degrees a year, but due to human produced CO2, it is only cooling 2 degrees. That is manmade global warming. My bigger pt. is GW does not really need empirical evidence at least not from non-lab data.
Some of those are empirical questions. For example, here is the empirical truth on sea level rise: And I showed you the predicted temperature change 20 years ago and the observed temperature change. It is interesting that you went for the most easily observable features (sea level rise). Do you happen to have some data on sea level rise that the rest of us don't have?
...and that the earth, in spite of having been around for 6 billion years before us, is incapable of correcting for significant temperature deviations without our help... or even surviving at all, to hear some folks tell it. Btw, that correction thingy, would suggest that the threat be an auto induced ice age, rather than global warming, but I'll let you figure that one on your own. You--mr small government libertaria (LMAO! More like Mr. FOS) seem quite pleased to cheerlead big gov pretending to control our atmosphere, by hyper regulating us (and conveniently getting themselves rich AF in the process...). Captain Liberty to the rescue! Lol(oser)!
Yeah, sure, that's the deal. Bc it takes real manly courage to cipher through mounds of manure to get to what matters...
do you think fentanyl kills people? does that make you big gov? Do you think football leads to injuries? Does that make you big gov? can you show 1 post I've ever made where I cheerlead ANYTHING about GW? I very rarely post about it at all. Plus, you agree that CO2 captures heat.
You cheer lead every leftist cause on this site, love you some Trumpgasms, and only ever take exception to anything posted by non-lock step leftist posters (id say "conservative ", but that would of course trigger a finger wagging lecture on how no one's conservative but you--so how about, you kiss leftist ass on here with orgasmic aplomb, diss any and all non-leftists, and pretend to not be big gov. Lol.... d'okay).
Can you produce 1 of these posts? I will say that after you failed to produce a single post of mine supporting a leftist or leftist cause the last time you had this little fit, I did create a thread where I posted a WSJ article from my old bud, Phil Gramm, that praised Jimmy Carter's deregulation. Praising Deregulation....I must be a marxist.