Just wait till Ukraine adds long-range anti-air missiles and even-longer-range air-to-ground cruise missiles to its quiver.
they could have used those yesterday. Putin launched another major attack on infrastructure and hit power plants, airbase, drone factory..not a good night for Ukraine last night
both of them went down. major environmental disaster. wonder if other nations want to allow these dark tankers who have likely had little maintenance since the war started, traversing their waters.
Did the right wing ever come to a consensus as for the reasons for the war? Remember when they told us it was to battle Nazis?
Hysterical Russophobia is a bipartisan phenomenon, albeit more common among people still wearing masks and eagerly awaiting their next shot.
“Trump used an interview with Time magazine to criticise the decision. “It’s crazy what’s taking place. It’s crazy. I disagree very vehemently with sending missiles hundreds of miles into Russia. Why are we doing that? We’re just escalating this war and making it worse,” Putin admin in response… “The statement fully aligns with our position, with our view on the reasons for escalation,” Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday. “That impresses us. It is obvious that Trump understands exactly what is escalating the situation.” Russia launches huge missile attack on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure | Ukraine | The Guardian
Some above average analysis on why the colossal Russian tank offensive that would smite Ukraine out of the Kursk oblast in November never quite materialized. Ukraine’s Trap Springs Shut - Devastating Russian TANK Losses
and magats will shake their head and obediently agree with master Putin and pray that dear leader djt wisdom continues to improve with each holy day before them...c.u.l.t
good stuff. no reason we shouldn't be using those surveillance drones with thermal imaging along the border. another automated flyway surveillance corridor to be built and monitored. russian armor losses not being replaced and men onyl suicide expeditions indicate that the armor int he reserves has been exhausted or supply lines moving aromr are limited. The desperation seems to suggest the former. That wold seem to be a big tell if Russia cannot replace aromr in their most important assualt, ie take back Russian territory, I just hope that the EU and others can keep Ukraine int he fight long enough such that it is resolved more on their terms than on djt's
The Biden administration could have saved the American journalist/YouTube but they wanted him to suffer in jail. His crime? Criticizing Biden and the Ukraine war Judicial Watch Smoking Gun in Gonzalo Lira Case: How Biden State Dept. Could Have Saved His Life and Didn’t Judicial Watch Smoking Gun in Gonzalo Lira Case: How Biden State Dept. Could Have Saved His Life and Didn't | The Gateway Pundit | by Collin McMahon
Thanks for the link. Goes along with my thoughts that outside a nuclear exchange Putin is no threat to Western Europe. He can’t even run a supply line in his own country. How is he going to pull off a combined arms offensive in western Poland? Much less Western Europe. Drones and javelins appear to have neutralized the threat of advancing armor. So he can build tanks and APCs as fast as he wants but he’s going against $300 suicide drones with warheads literally zip tied to them. Can’t even call it a guerrilla war….what kind of advanced mechanized fighting force can’t get past dragons teeth? Hard to believe. Furthermore, I saw nothing in the video about any air support and certainly no CAS. Left to assume none exists which is another jaw dropper. Putin can’t even provide any air cover inside his own border for exposed armor and now advancing infantry ? Even a basic WWII blitzkrieg would be more tactically sound than what his forces appear capable .
gonna get worse Ukraine assassinates Russian general in charge of nuclear defense forces in Moscow explosion
Medvedev will threaten to vaporize London for the 1000th time. Russia will glide bomb more schools and apartment buildings ( as if they aren't already doing plenty of that). Russia can end this today if they wanted to: leave Ukraine.
Pretty sure they're still rolling with that one. Once the FSB types seize upon a narrative, they lock on like a Pitbull.
Especially the schools and apartment buildings Ukrainian troops have commandeered and use exclusively for military operations.