Wes Moore MD Gov only Democrat that showed up at the game, but Trump etc show up!!! I thought Trump supposedly hated the military????
It’s strange how these posts didn’t appear when Trump failed to attend before this year. Stop inventing grievances. This post sounds like something NEWSMAX would post to try to further flames between Americans or to try to pants Democrats as Anti-American.
Dems might offend some of their base if they attended this game. Trump and team are clearly setting the agenda. This is nothing like 2016.
Why is this suddenly an issue? I did a little Google and it appears that it wasn’t a hot-button issue until Dear Leader did it. I recall one day when Trump went golfing on 12/7 and no one made a stink. Biden routinely attended events at the WWII memorial in DC. Do I think that makes Biden more of a patriot? No. For the love of God, stop inventing grievances.
i'm sure there were lots of democrats at the game. Maryland is a very blue state and this game was in maryland so odds that more than 1 democrat attended are probably 100%
Anyone know where Trump was for his successor's inauguration? Where was that patriot? Licking his wounds and crying like a baby.
Trash post/thread. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO WAS THERE!!!!. You are counting people using the game as a photo op, not attendees.
I was brewery hopping with my wife when the game was on and missed it. For some reason, I have this odd desire to read Marx.
Who cares who shows up? Guess you didn't care who showed up but it sure sounds like you cared about who got invited.