Thank you. Putting the grandchildren’s bikes, 12V cars, and other toys together tonight was great. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
System of checks and balances is broken. That means our democracy is at risk of any potus willing to test it. Maga just put him in office
I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on this. Their was absolutely nothing "cheap" or political about impeachment charges against Donald Trump. In fact, it was precisely the opposite. The Democrat-controlled House absolutely did not impeach Trump for anything frivolous. In fact, they showed proper restraint and only impeached him (twice) for things he should have been removed from office for. Each time. Further, this represented the Republican party taking a step further in their disregard for the law and their disrespect for our democracy when they voted in the Senate, almost party line, to refuse to even allow witnesses to speak before the Senate vote. This was a shocking dereliction of duty. It's easy to dismiss this as "my team", but that's simply not accurate. And it's easy to forget the now innumerable times the GOP has disrespected our country and the rule of law in favor of Trump. But we were all watching. We should not forget. Furthermore, anyone who saw that and still chose to cast a vote for the Republican party for, well anything, was casting a vote against our democracy and for criminal enabling. Now, all that said, we can contrast that with the cheap and laughable Republican impeachment efforts against both Biden and Mayorkas.
You knew where it was going - nowhere - before the process even started. FWIW, it was already on life support at that point. That just drove the stake through the heart.
I guess we might disagree. IMO it was essential to impeach a POTUS for, well, impeachable offenses. At the minimum it forced the GOP to show their complete disregard for the rule of law. Tangentially, IMO it's also imperative for investigations against the criminal Trump to continue. If he is going to bastardize the legal system and the DOJ, well.....he should be forced to do precisely that. We have steadily just been normalizing his (and the GOP's) criminality.
That's fine, but on a macro scale, it's done. So we can justify each individual case - even Lewinski - but the result is the same. What was once considered the nuclear option, is now just a common artillery round in the daily RvD pissing contest. So, to whomever we want to pin the blame on, well done!!! Way to render it no more relevant than a partisan ad campaign.