18 years too late https://www.theblaze.com/news/murde...E LIST - 7 Day Engagement&tpcc=email-breaking
She tried to ruin the lives of those young men. Sad, but at least they didn’t lose their lives over a false rape accusation like some men did back in the day.
If so, she failed. I worked with Dave Evans, one of the accused, on a few projects a few years back. He was an attack dog analyst for a PE firm. I see they made him partner. Seemingly a nice guy for a PE guy that is. I'm sure he isn't broke.
Now people need to admit lacrosse is a fake sport designed to get dumb rich kids into college, if we are going to be honest about things
You know, you have sold me. All of those privileged white boys deserved to do a turn for rape just to stick it to fans of that fake sport. Power to the people!
Guess who had the character to defend the Duke lacrosse players? Virtually none of the faculty or his fellow students according to Bill O'Reilly. MAGA before there was MAGA
Sue her for what? Her dessert? Half her smokes? Isn’t she already in prison for murder? If memory serves, the accused have already settled with the justice system that decided to “believe her,” evidence be damned. Everyone has already known she was lying for 20 years. This admission means close to nothing at this point.
In case anyone may have forgotten Mike Nifong the Durham County DA responsible for prosecuting the lacrosse players was disbarred and rightly so. It became obvious very early on in the case that Crystal Mangum the alleged victim had fabricated the story that she was raped. The DNA of the semen in her rape kit didn't match any of the lacrosse players, one of the men that she had accused wasn't even present when the alleged attack took place and her changed story that she had been molested with a broom handle didn't hold up either. Mike Nofong was sued and ended up declaring bankruptcy based on potential damages of $180 million. Former Duke Prosecutor Nifong Disbarred Former prosecutor Nifong files for bankruptcy
I didn’t realize she hadn’t “admitted it”, but the state pretty much did. You are correct this lady won’t be worth suing. I was wondering why this would be news, what is the timing about. Apparantiy she’s about to be released from jail. Maybe it’s a legit apology, but cynicaly I’m thinking it could also be some sick angle to sell her story and make a tiny bit of $$$ just by putting herself back in the news. (her “story” probably ain’t worth much, but for a likely broke person about to be released from prison, I wouldn’t discount her trying to get whatever she can).
The Statute of Limitations has long expired. https://www.findlaw.com/state/north...rolina-civil-statute-of-limitations-laws.html