I love how this thread has basically turned into an anti healthcare industry thread instead of being about the cold blooded murder that the thread title refers to.
You don't think it's both? I mean I don't see too many if any people here calling for the murderer to walk free. You think none of these practices thar have had attention drawn to them should be talked about? In a filthy polluted industry that causes people suffering UHC was the worst and people can't use the story to discuss the massive problem with Healthcare? I don't view Mangione as a sympathetic character and certainly not a hero but I'm also not going to burry my head in the sand and just say....business is business...that's capitalism.... when the system is rigged through lobbying government. Some people just can't conceptualize that actions of executives can directly cause deaths. Again, the same people that are against at talking about these things love them some justice when it comes to stealing from a 7-Eleven or but don't have an issue with stock violations from a CEO. Let's not oversimplify what's going on here. Back to your quoted subject matter. You take no issue with UHC doubling their denial rates in 4 years? So much so they outsource their denials and pay the company for denying patients? Crazy
Maybe true but it isn't just the medical industry. The cost of a new house has gone up 20 times what it was in 1970. 50 years ago you could buy a new car for $3000 now it costs $47000+. Car insurance has gone up 10 fold in the past 50 years. The list goes on and on.
Absolutely and while those are problems we aren't even talking about costs here. Unless we want to talk about human cost. We are talking about denial practices that outperform industry peers by a Longshot. Not to mention the other issues surrounding their leadership.
That’s inflation. But if customers are paying higher premiums and then having legit claims denied, essentially that means UNH was stealing their money all along while collecting premiums. Insurance industry sucks in general. I never had to file a homeowners claim for 30 years. The first time I did the insurance estimate was a joke. My parents had a similar experience at their home. My 1st hand anecdotal experience is 0 for 2 that insurance will fairly pay out a homeowners claim. But even worse I have neighbors whose insurance fought them even longer (at least my claim only took 6 mos before they settled). The crazy thing is we would have probably taken a more reasonable figure, instead they quoted an amount that was literally impossible. If I was a contractor I couldn’t buy the materials at Home Depot and do it myself with $0 labor costs for their number. It was comically obvious they were just trying to make sure their damage estimate was less than the $5000 deductible. In the real world with a roof leak it was almost $90k for tile re-roof, soffits, insulation, drywall, painting, carpets, trim, etc. If they had offered a reasonable number up front I might have eaten the costs for things like painting and done it myself, but once the adjuster had to be brought in obviously they go full value on every single line item.
The hate and ignorance of the left is never ending. Yet, ya wonder why the country kicked you out of power.
My wife works for CareFirst and they had an all hands call with their CEO scheduled for today. The parts I was able to overhear before walking out the door were interesting.
What does this even mean? Do you think Biden and Trump are different on the notion of for-profit healthcare? If voting changed that I dont think people would be celebrating a healthcare CEO being shot in the street.
Yep. Both things can be true. Accounts say that he was actually a good decent guy. His death is tragic. ....aaaand, the healthcare industry is going to keep stacking up bodies.
I dont know if a good and decent person would put themselves in that position. I dont think shooting anyone in the streets is the answer to any problem, but heading up an organization built on greed, misery and death should be something a good and decent person rejects if they see themselves as such. There are plenty of other things you can do with your life, they are probably far less monetarily rewarding, but some people will make deals with the devil. Our whole society is people making this deal. That's why things are so bad!