On the other hand no Canadian or Brit will ever experience this and it's not unique. Heather Waldron and John Hawley are losing their four-bedroom house in the hills above Blacksburg, Va. A teenage daughter, one of their five children, sold her clothes for spending money. They worried about paying the electric bill. Financial disaster, they say, contributed to their divorce, finalized in April. Their money problems began when the University of Virginia Health System pursued the couple with a lawsuit and a lien on their home to recoup $164,000 in charges for Waldron’s emergency surgery in 2017. ‘UVA has ruined us’: Health system sues thousands of patients, seizing paychecks and putting liens on homes
Not really. It is a huge structural difference. Single provider has no degree of competition on the provider side. Single payer has competition amongst providers, just with a set payout. Massively different incentives.
It's not semantics, it's a completely different system. Not one I'd advocate (reasons in previous post) for the US. Single-payer makes more sense because it still provides for competition which, if managed correctly, can really reduce costs. The biggest issue are the myriad special interests with their beaks planted in myriad revenue/cost streams. However, IMO, the only way this works is if you treat Medicare somewhat like the Fed in that it needs to be a separate entity focused on providing care and building reserves with no oversight whatsoever from Congress. I.E. the guys who spend 5+ hours of their day fundraising in a call center across the street from the capital. They cannot be allowed anywhere near it or it will quickly (or from the beginning) be ruined.
Hate to break it to you, but MAGA is right there too. Nation has no . . . 's to give. It's also why your boy won the election. But keep convincing yourself it was MAGA "policy". Oh, and "your boy" was also defrauding investors. What do "conservatives" say about that?
People aren't sympathetic to a CEO of a company that expends thousands of lives for profit who also screwed over investors. "That's pure evil from the left." Also the right..."that's just good business! Don't hate!"
Yeah dude, nothing wrong with selling this stock high before we tell the investors about the Fed investigation that's going to hammer their returns. Soooo "conservative". Sooooo MAGA!
These same folks are the ones who wear their religion on their shoulder while seemingly ignoring anything actually written in their holy book. It just takes a special sort of scum to find people’s struggles funny. It’s behavior you wouldn’t do to someone’s face.
There ya go. The typical response from an entitled leftist. The story isn’t about our actions. Yes, we’re liars, evil, hateful, murderers, exclusionary, hypocrites, entitled, etc… We’re not accountable, but I hold you accountable. "No, no pardons. We respect the rule of law unlike you."
If you are one of the few who love our current healthcare system then have at it. 70% of Americans think it is failing. Most conceptually have no idea how to make "some changes" as you put it to meet the needs of the nation. Most Americans Say the Health Care System Fails Them | TIME
It doesn't even go that deep. It's just childish snark. . . and a complete giveaway that they have ZERO to offer as a reply.
Except I'm not a leftist. But you know, you guys and those little fantasies that live in your head. Whatever helps the tiny brain sleep at night, I guess.
"No, no pardons. We respect the rule of law unlike you." From the supporter of the once and future president who pardoned Manafort, Flynn and Roger Stone during his first term and will almost certainly pardon J6 insurgents who attacked the Capitol including a number of whom who violently attacked law enforcement officers during the first few days of his second term.
Just got my United renewal for 2025. 5% increase up to $1900 a month for my family of four. System is so broken. No other 1st world country does this, but here we are....
They are only ok with pardons issued by Trump. All the others are not legit. Waiting for the q anon caucus to introduce a bill allowing pardons to be reversed.
Crazily, my health insurance is dropping $600 per month, my condo ins has dropped more than $200 per month* & Im fixin to bitch slap Allstate on car, home, rental bundle to the tune of about $800 a month which is in part to my son covering himself now that he’s a big boy * but no firewood on the deck & only electric grills - try cooking a steak at 20 degrees with wind on a glorified toaster
CMS Wants to Prevent ‘Barriers to Care’ in Medicare Advantage Programs, Add Guardrails Around AI - Mobility Management So the denial rate sky rocketed under this CEOs management and people still keep saying innocent man. Again, murderer needs justice and people don't know what they are asking for when they support vigilante justice but two things can happen at the same time. The murderer was not justified in his actions and the CEO wasn't an innocent.