Refs had to be educated about the jump stop and this crossover move. It looked like travels to them until it was broken down. Thank you for this post.
I think Billy dragged his pivot foot on that second crossover. Just kidding. I think of crossovers more as a dribbling move on the go. Wasn't familiar with the term being used for this situation. Thanks!
Billy wanted that last shot against Central High but Coach Dale called for the ball to go to Jimmy Chitwood because the rest of team knew they would choke. That’s a great video Monk! I never liked Pitino personally but he knows basketball; I can see why Billy respects him; thankfully, Billy had the chutzpah to take the Florida job despite Pitino’s protestations. Now, he has his name on our court! What a great era in Gator basketball he brought us.
This got me to checking out BD’s overall bio. It’s hard to believe but at UF, we won 20 games 16 times! Just amazing! Maybe they should rename Gainesville Donavanille!
Or, if Billy Packer is on the renaming committee, it would be "Dunnavinvilie." Guest of Honor would be Cliff Ricketson.
I couldn’t stand when Packer (RIP) did that! He was an ACC fan so I always thought it was a dig. It would be hard to mispronounce Billy’s surname unless on purpose. It’s not like he hadn’t heard to pronounced correctly 1000’s of times.
So glad he’s gone. The tournament much more enjoyable without Billy ACC Packer yelling during the games
2000 Championship game. Teddy Dupay tries to make a play against Mateen Cleeves and Cleeves comes down hard and limps off the court. Packer goes crazy about how a dirty play it was. Cleeves limps until he thinks that the camera was off him and then he walks naturally to the locker room. Hey, Mo Peterson beat us and I am fine with that. I just didn't like the Cleeves theatrics and Billy Packer being Billy Packer.
BP did have a tough time containing his love for ACC basketball, especially Duke/NC. I spoke to BP a few times on BB call in shows, he was enjoyable to talk with.