Ukraine drone boats are mixing things up with Russia. Instead of the drones plowing into Russian ships and sinking them, some are now able to fire large-caliber machine guns at helicopters and patrol boats that are trying to sink the drones. Ukraine's changing up its Black Sea attacks on Russia with drone boats armed with machine guns and flying exploding drones
North Korea Trading Soldiers for Russian Fighter Jets, US Says - Newsweek So North Korea gives Russia 10,000 troops to eject Ukraine from a part of Russia that Ukraine was not supposed to be able to hold this long, and in return North Korean gets old Russian planes that are not remotely as good as what South Korea already has. Time will tell, but it looks like Russia is getting the better part of this trade by far.
Just a guess maybe the way Kim sees it the Russian planes that North Korea is getting even if obsolete are still an upgrade to NK's current air force.
Oh, I have no doubt that’s true. This move does little to close the gap with the South. Well … I take that back. Ten thousand fewer useless mouths is a plus, I guess.
For folks that do not know, South Korea has F35's. Israeli just proved that Russia's best ADA cannot even see them. I think Kim is more interested in using these airplane to keep his people inline than using them against South Korea.
Ukraine takes out two more Russian bombers on the ground. I guess having them staged in the open within range of Ukrainian weapons is all a part of Russia's sinister plan to lure Ukraine in for the final kill ... Russia Just Lost Two TU-95 Bombers | Rebels Stormed Russian Khmeimim Air Base | Ukrainian War Update
The lead designed of upgrades for Russian Kh-59 cruise missiles has met a violent end. Ukraine claims responsibility for assassinating him, but I wonder. These "precision-guided" munitions have been so grossly inaccurate in the field that Russia might have eliminated him for cause. True, many Ukrainians have died at the business end of these missiles, so they have plenty of motive. But also true, those Ukrainians have more often than not been in apartment complexes or shopping centers a block or more away from the intended target, so the Russians also have motive. I guess the bottom line is he's dead, and I'll take the destination over the journey on this one. Russian official responsible for missile upgrades striking Ukraine eliminated
russian general being catfished? never will understand men like this. plenty of $$ to pay a pro and no shortage of pros in Russia but instead sends nudes of himself out to try and entice women into joining him. Putin's 'Naked General' sending explicit videos as Russia's war effort crumbles - World News - News - Daily Express US General Alexander Matovnikov, 59, deputy commander-in-chief of Russian ground forces and a close associate of Vladimir Putin, has been caught in another scandal involving explicit videos. This is the second time in less than two years that such footage of the general has surfaced. The latest video shows him naked in a sauna, recording an explicit message for an unidentified woman. This comes at a time when thousands of his troops are being killed or injured weekly in the ongoing conflict. In the explicit video, the General invites the unknown woman to join him in the sauna, saying: "We can come here next week, on Saturday, and take a steam bath. It is a very soft bath, very pleasant."
Russia's poor are feeling the effects of sanctions against Russia, as inflation rears its ugly head. Some people are demanding that Putin end the war, putting up "No to War" graffiti. Russians suffer rising costs of Ukraine conflict
Russian "intelligence" takes another embarrassing hit from Russia's defeat in Syria. After predicting that Putin would be given a hero's welcome in Ukraine, the FSB and military failed to predict the speed and scale of the advance on Damascus. Russia's defeat in Syria is said to have "humiliated and angered" Putin. Something he might need to get used to. ‘You’ll lose,’ Russian agents told Assad as they organised his escape
Not for the faint of cognition …
Russia Dodged A Bullet By Wisely Choosing Not To Ally With The Now-Defeated Resistance Axis | ZeroHedge
Wealthy weapons manufacturers CEOs could not be reached for comment … New National Poll: Economic Hardships of Millions of Middle-Class Americans Go Unseen, Most Believe They Will Continue to Struggle Throughout Their Lives