joey has spent over 25% of his time as President at his Delaware Beach house- so what!! I do not begrudge any President his time off. Being president is not only a stressful job but it is a 24-7 job - find something more important to carry on aboujt
No President should be musing about putting people in jail. Ever. Full stop. No President should be doing this especially when planned heads of enforcement agencies wrote books on how they want to jail opponents for spurious reasons and can/replace any agents who refuse to carry out potentially illegal orders. “Trump will still be President” is also just… not an astute response. It does nothing to address reasonable concerns about his actions toward people he boasts about pursuing out of vengeance by his own admissions….
Agree completely. I don't know how anyone can defend Trump's talk about jailing those he disagrees with, even executing them. And, no, it's not excused by "relax, he's probably not going to do it."
Really, this is old news that has been reported on in some form for the last 9 years. It's just that not many people believed it back in 2015. It's past time to clean out the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA. All of these have been radicalized and used to persecute the enemies of the democrat socialist party, more than 1/2 of the country's citizens as we found out in the 2024 national elections.
And people wonder why Biden should consider widespread pardons. These people are absolutely out of their minds. This would be funny if it was happening in Russia, Iran or North Korea.
Damn, man, does it not bother you that a PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would be making such threats? You excuse him because, 'well, he's not really going to go after them.' Then why would a grown man even make such childish threats?!
If a potus with a D after their name did the same thing they would lose their minds. It's all good because he's THEIR authoritarian.
Does anyone really think this thread would have been started if Bill had realized that all this happened under Trump and not Biden?
I'm assuming yours is a serious question. To begin with, Barr made misleading public statements, and more than one federal judge sharply criticized his handling of the report. Further, he gave a press conference and essentially said Trump did nothing wrong, that the entire investigation was a nothing burger. In doing so, he purposely completely ignored a list of specific findings of misconduct. I read the entire report. It was damning. Criminal charges were not made only because of DOJ policy not to charge a sitting president. The only thing left for the right to do was smear Mueller even though he was widely regarded as a completely honorable man. The smearing of him reveals the same diseased mindset which contends Biden won because the election was rigged.
Please listed the specific misleading comments you think he gave. What would Trump have been charged with in your opinion? Do you think Mueller was mentally up to the task of leading his team based off of his testimony to Congress? I read the entire report as well and have some different conclusions.
Yes. What you seem to miss is that Republicans think that the FBI has been politicized to the point that their career agents have an agenda that is not inline with the Administration they work for and they need to be reigned in.