Barr was fully loyal to Trump for a while. Remember when he misrepresented the Mueller Report to make Trump look better?
I agree it's despicable and heads should roll. So do Adam Schiff and Eric Eric Swalwell who were also subjects of the same improper investigation which the DOJ conducted at the insistence of then President Trump. Watchdog faults DOJ in Trump’s first term for secretly obtaining records of lawmakers and journalists The Justice Department during Donald Trump’s first term failed to comply with its own procedures when it sought journalists’ phone and email records in leak investigations, according to a DOJ watchdog report released Tuesday. And the department never conducted any high-level review as it swept up the records of 43 congressional staffers and two Democratic House members, the report found. The inspector general launched the review in June 2021 after President Joe Biden took office and press reports revealed that investigators probing leaks of classified information obtained court orders to access phone records of two prominent Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee: Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell.
A Trump supporter complaining about unethical, and borderline illegal, conduct by Trump's own Justice Department -but refusing to criticize Trump or even acknowledge Trump's role in this- is peak Trump-era. Just couldn't make this up. What's next - criticizing attacking the US Capitol Building in an attempt to deny the peaceful transfer of power......... but blaming it on Democrats?* * Or has that actually happened already?
Of course, the rightwing site linked to start the thread didn't exactly go out of its way to make it clear that this happened when Trump was president. Fox doesn't appear to have the story at all. Wonder why?
So to summarize: investigation is legit if it is anyone maga hates, it is spying if the subject is maga.
upi libs are hysterical- Trump is not going to go after anyone- because he said they should be in jail - hell he said HJillary should be in jail but did he go after her - NO. He said Liz Cheney should be in jail, do you really think he is going to waste his time going after her. He has already said he is not gokng to do so because he is going to spend all his time trying to fix what he believes are the problems facing this country. But you go ahead and keep spewing your venom, you cannot change what is going to happen on Jan 20.
Actually Trump was very serious about investigating and possibly prosecuting Hillary Clinton. His AG at the time Jeff Sessions apparently refused to do so which was one of the reason albeit not the primary reason that Trump canned him. From 2017 Analysis: Trump's demand for AG Jeff Sessions to investigate Hillary Clinton is an ethical minefield From 2020 Surprise: Trump’s Justice Department Is Trying to Go After Hillary Clinton
Ok, let’s say Barr was loyal “for a while.” Again, what does that change about the OP? Patel filed a lawsuit, but still wants to work for Trump. Are you saying Patel should be upset at Trump because his AG was the boss of the people he’s suing? LOL.. do you ever get tired of wearing Spandex for Team Deep State?
Your math assumes he played by himself. I’m sure each agent with him probably also paid green fees so the cost per person was much less
It's probably not just a single guy's green fees though, right? I would assume that the cost for a sitting president to golf would include the salaries, transportation, and housing of a large amount of people, including security. And, in the case of this president, the additional costs of sometimes diverting those people to a property he owns, and every time including a decent amount of grift.
Probably misleading estimate. Would need to cross reference if all the costs are solely for him to play golf or if those allocate travel costs are part of a multi-purpose trip and need to be allocable to the different activities. Regardless, it’s something DOGE should look into.
Among other things, he claimed the White House fully cooperated with the investigation. The report said it didn't.
I was going to ask this as well, but dodged the rabbit hole. Hard to misrepresent a report that was released to the public in full within weeks of its completion.