For anyone who didn’t see this on 60 minutes, it’s a small win, and an amazing heartwarming story about how some private US citizens came up with a plan to sneak 400 afghans out of the country after the fall. Well worth the 22 minutes.
You Trumppublicans just want something to complain about.* *(Even though you support a guy who tried to overturn an election, and who knowingly accepted help in an election from Russia. It's pathetic.)
If only people knew everything that was left behind including items left behind by other countries….lots of damage is still being done
Why does the Afghanistan argument “Well, they wouldn’t fight!” work for us but not for Russia in Syria ? Because they’re Russians ?
Russia practically the most powerful nation on earth. It can overturn US elections with $400 in Facebook ads.
No... I want those 13 American military lives back... but that can never happen. Someone MUST PAY FOR THAT.
That poster you are responding to hasn't been on this forum for over a year and a half. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Once again, knowledge-base challenged. We took our equipment or rendered them non-serviceable. We did not "repo" the equipment/weapons we had GIVEN to Afghanistan over the span of 20 years.. US Dismisses as 'Farce' Claims of Abandoning Arms in Afghanistan The guy responsible for the Doha agreement, the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters and drawing down our troop level to 2500 would be a GREAT place to start.
No clue; I was just realizing Ora revived an old thread. Hadn't seen his name in a while. Lacuna has the book on everybody, but she won't be around these parts very much. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
leaving the way we did caused that. there's stuff that got left behind that was not given to the locals but with the rush to leave, was not destroyed.
You have absolutely no idea what you are posting about. We didn't leave OUR weapons, we left Afghanistan's.
Actually you don’t know what you’re talking about. There was a lot of equipment the belonged to the US and coalition forces and not all of it was destroyed/removed.
Trump negotiated an end to our involvement in which either; a) there was no effective solution to be negotiated, or b) was very poorly negotiated or both and then Biden executed our withdrawal from Afghanistan, for which either; a) there was no effective withdrawal to be executed, or b) was very poorly executed or both In other words, they both were dealing with a roughly 15 year-old shit sandwhich. However, only Trump and his rubes politicize this unwinnable situation, in order to hypocritically and shamelessly blame political opponents. And in the process they degrade themselves, our military, our country, and common sense. It's shameful, deplorable, and ......... precisely what we'd expect from them by now.
John Kirby's knowledge > vaxcardinal's knowledge. He labeled your belief a FARCE. Sounds pretty clear to me. “This is a fallacy, this is a farce. What we did, over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan, of course, with congressional approval and consultations, was arm and help equip the Afghan national security forces,” Kirby told a White House news conference." “The 'arms' that you're talking about, and again, I can't verify these particular reports, belonged to the Afghan national security forces,” Kirby said. “That’s what was left behind. Not that the United States just walked away and abandoned a bunch of weapons in a pile in Afghanistan. That's simply not historically accurate.” "More than $7.1 billion in U.S.-funded military equipment was in the inventory of the former Afghan government when it collapsed in the face of insurgent Taliban nationwide attacks amid the foreign troop exit, the U.S. Defense Department estimated in a report released last year." US Dismisses as 'Farce' Claims of Abandoning Arms in Afghanistan