Too hot needs to be renamed crybaby alley. Seems some folks just gotta cry about Donald no matter what the subject matter.....pretty damn sad.
They can choose to speak or not. But this kind of warped, morally depraved behavior doesn’t just occur to you in your 20’s.
link or are you just sharing your feelings? edit. do you have kids? I have a 20 & 22 yo. this DOES NOT TRACK!
so, feelings. do you even have a link that the person is a sociopath? I'm guessing no. kewl. diagnosed someone as a sociopath, figured out their parents must be culpable for knowing this is the case OR not, from what TV, X, too hot? &, you only needed a few hours. WOWEE ZOWEE! I mean, is the ceo responsible for these things a sociopath? TikTok - Make Your Day Lot of comments from supposed former employees that tell horror stories of working for UHC and subsequently quit.
It was the Station Six reporting that was wrong. From seeing pictures and what is supposedly the PA arrest affidavit, 3D printed Glock frame and 3D printed suppressor (which would definitely explain why it didn’t cycle, a 3D printed suppressor almost certainly wasn’t going to have a booster in it, and a 3D printed Glock frame likely wasn’t going to be the smoothest cycling gun around even without a big hunk of filament hanging off the end of the barrel). Which raises the further question, if all that junk was 3D printed anyways, why in the hell would you possibly continue carrying it around with you instead of tossing (or burning) it?
Well that and I would think a 3D printed suppressor would melt fairly quickly. I doubt the shooter had the capability to print in high temp-stable polymer, much less titanium or inconel or something similar.
Yep. Meaning this kid went to all the trouble of making what was (other than the barrel/slide assembly) a very low cost, effectively single use, disposable firearm. And then still decided not to dispose of it once it become incriminating evidence.
If you don’t think he’s a sociopath then I’d suggest your feelings may be inhibiting rational thought.
Just wondering why we don't know his voter registration, his voting history and what political candidates/parties he's donated to yet?