The Progressive Playbook: Step 1: strike down the 2nd amendment Step 2: ban new gun sales Step 3: confiscation of all guns of the citizenry Step 4: whew, now that we have that out of the way... UnitedHealthcare CEO was likely killed with a ghost gun that can be made at home | KRON4
So much misdirection in that article. 1. Ghost guns have been used to refer both to homemade firearms and those that have had the serial number removed. We don't know which the killer's weapon was 2. Manufacturing your own firearm for lawful personal use is perfectly legal. 3. Build kits, like the Polymer80 handgun kits, or even a 3D printed grip module, aren't merely a "buy the parts online and assemble like legos" situation. You must actually put holes in the right place and remove significant material from the polymer with tools so that you can install the metal fire control components and the slide, barrel, and recoil spring. Doing so incorrectly will result in a gun that either doesn't work or malfunctions all the time. 4. Most kits are injection molded polymer, not 3D printed plastic. The 3D printed grip modules aren't durable enough. Either way, the internal components and the slide rails are metal. They can be detected by any metal detector. There's really not much of a way around this since the goal of a gun is literally to contain a small explosion of tens of thousands of PSI so that you can allow that energy to push a metal projectile out through a tube of an ever so slightly bigger diameter. 5. Silencers can be self-made also, but need to have a Form 1 (with fingerprints, photo, etc), $200 tax stamp, and go through the NFA wait process. It's also complicated in that you can't manufacture them from anything that could be considered a silencer part as silencer parts are considered silencers themselves, meaning you pretty much have to do so from raw materials welded/machined yourself. Things like solvent traps are considered silencers themselves. Most Form 1 silencers are not that effective as a result. 6. The shooter's firearm having a serial number would have no way prevented this crime or contributed to the investigation. 7. NFA items are registered and very heavily regulated.
And the Butt hurt continues with this bunch, this is going to be a great year and very entertaining watching our local libbies
I basically went off the grid in February of 2024. I do still get an electric bill as they charge me for the meter. When Milton came thru and the power was out for 2 days, I still had power.
I’m not off the grid since I don’t have battery storage and I have a gas furnace. But I don’t expect to pay for electricity anymore
Thank you for this insight and taking the time. You know way more about this stuff than I ever will. I just found it interesting that ghost guns are rarely (if ever) brought up in the gun control marathon debates we have here (unless I've missed it). More specifically, 3D printed weapons and homemade weapons. Obviously, such technology is only going to improve with time. And as has always been true when debating this topic, if someone wants to kill, they will find a way, whether you strike down the 2nd amendment or whatever anti-gun restrictions are placed on the citizenry. Not to mention this particular murder was carried out in early morning broad daylight in the heart of Manhattan, which happens to have very restrictive laws in place for carrying guns. As time moves on, it seems to me that the 2nd Amendment becomes even more prescient and necessary for our people. What a sheer stroke of genius it was for the founding fathers to put this into the Bill of Rights. If you take everybody's guns away, the only people that will have them are criminals.
Tariffs serve to INCENTIVE Mexico (and all their knowledge and resources) from letting those drugs come into our country. Let's see how well those tariffs work. Gun control should start with putting violent felons with gun changes in prison for lengthy sentences.