Man. I want to have a sense of humor about this so badly, but I’m worried this crossed a line into something very dangerous, and those in power are failing to see it.
As more than one commentator noted almost immediately after the murder, it wasn't the act of a professional hitman and with Mangione's arrest that's definitely been confirmed.
Just seems like something that happens in America. Alexander Berkman nearly assassinated Henry Clay Frick back in the day, during the last gilded age.
If I were him, I'd be planning my legal defense claiming I was set up by my arch nemesis, Waluigi Mangione
Sad to see a promising life wasted. Let’s get right to a lethal injection and not waste any more time or money.
If the internet sleuths are right, then its likely a combination of chronic back pain and a mental health breakdown
You only murder someone in cold blood if your moral compass is completely impaired. How it got that way is for the investigators and his parents to answer.
At 26 I would not suggest tracking down his folks. He got out of their house with a solid education and foot in the door - seemingly.