a few reasons: 1. Yes, related to our food. Our country has become obese. Btw our obesity rate is what Kennedy should work on as it’s a major contributor to rising health care costs. 2. What is considered attractive. In the late 60s, the trend for women was a thin, plain-looking body type. Celebrities like Twiggy, katharine ross, and Audrey Hepburn. girls and women wore clothing that accentuated slim figures. In contrast, today’s trends are clothing and bras designed to give appearance of larger breats. Granted the 60s had a rare Rachel Welch, but the trend was thin. 3. More prevalence of fake breasts. While not as common in high school, breast augmentation is happening at younger ages and is more frequent, and virtually non-existent in the 60s.
^ looks like a graph for the prevalence of eating disorders which, unlike body fat, actually kills people.
Kennedy bribed with federal office and $100K to drop out of the race and endorse ol’ what’s-his-name. Because of course he did. Trump campaign paid law firm employing RFK Jr. weeks after he endorsed Trump The Trump campaign — now known as Never Surrender Inc. — disbursed $100,000 to “JW Howard Attorneys” on Sept. 13, just three weeks after Kennedy bowed out of the race and backed Trump, FEC records show. Financial data for Trump’s campaign, which was converted to a leadership PAC, appears in FEC filings under the new Never Surrender name. The Trump campaign made no other payments to JW Howard Attorneys during the 2023-24 election cycle, according to FEC records. Team Kennedy paid the firm on five occasions between August 2023 and April 2024. JW Howard did not receive payments from any other campaign or committee as of mid-October 2024, according to the records
Peddling long-debunked BS like that “vaccines cause autism” as “just asking questions” should be immediately disqualifying. His generation benefitted strongly from mandated vaccination programs. They benefitted mine. Hearing so many loons now claiming that we killed polio with…. dietary changes and water quality is just mind-boggingly stupid. Clowns. All of them.
Americans no longer care about corruption in politics that either crosses into, or borders on criminality. Because of (the necessary and not departing worforce of) illegal immigrants, and the price of eggs. Good game, us.
Worse yet, they don’t understand or want to understand the actual causes of there issues and would rather choose rage and cruelty over actual solutions.
Maybe it's just me but I don't find breast augmentation that looks like a woman has had a couple of grapefruit implanted in her chest all that attractive.
Literally no one is arguing that everyone dies from medical treatment, but just that hooded figures may be shooting the wrong people.
And here's the latest unqualified lackey. At least it should keep coke-boy Donnie Jr. out of the country.
Donald Trump Jr., Who Is Engaged to Kimberly Guilfoyle, Seen Holding Hands with Socialite Bettina Anderson
Maybe Junior had arranged to have Kimberly shipped to Greece so that he can spend more time with Bettina Anderson. Some pics. Junior, Bettina and Kimberly. Another pic of Bettina. Personally I consider Bettina Anderson an upgrade from Kimberly Guilfoyle.