I have to admit that’s good AI. I immediately started looking for the article that gave a full explanation about what had happened.
It’s actually frightening how good it’s becoming. Pretty soon you will not be able to tell real from fake. Imagine elections in the future. What a mess.
And you’ll be able to deny the truth based on AI. Since people believe what they want to believe, that should work.
It's good to see a true President again. Makes me at least somewhat hopeful for the future of the U.S.
Aren't you suffering from obesity? I guess that makes you a fat old dipshit. To be fair I think a lot of us would be considered overweight
Wouldn’t call myself a liberal. Would call myself a family member of an Army corporal who’s buried in France and won’t forget what Trump said about him.
My dad and bother along with all my uncles were in the military and two of them fought in WWII... No one is my family likes the Dems, nor did they vote against Trump. And all of my living relatives (the children and grand-children of these warriors) voted for Trump. On top of that, no one mentioned what Trump said... words that were probably taken completely out of context. If you want to see just how the military men and women in uniform respect Donald John Trump, then go back and see the Army-Navy games while he was commander-in-chief, when he was POTUS 45. And juxtapose that with Obama and his appearance when he went to that same football rivalry game when he was POTUS. You will see just how respected Trump really is by our fighting men and women... warriors. Both of my uncles survived the war, sorry for your loss.
Unless you can produce the clip or writing in Trump’s own words, then what you mean is what “Trump allegedly said,” “was attributed to Trump,” or “I believe Trump said.” It’s fine you believe he said that. If I had to bet on it, I would say it’s more likely than not that he said something dumb like that. But he denies it, and other people who were there also deny it. So it is not an established fact as you indicate.
Agreed and I don't believe Trump said that for a second. But I think it would have been beyond dumb. More like anti-social behavior, which is not something a serious man like Trump let's fly at a war veteran's commemoration ceremony with a bunch of important people around him. If he was that oblivious, he would never have became who he is. The allegation follows a similar pattern of "51 intelligence officers said Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation." Biden routinely would use those friendly to him in positions of rank or government, to slander Trump. And by "dumb," I'm assuming you mean grossly oblivious or unaware, which is hard to fathom given his attending military school in his youth. There are just some things you don't say...
Dude, get with the program. If you're not MAGA you're LiBeRaL! Because the world is just that binary and easy.
Pretty sure "the losers" were those who fought in unpopular wars. If it's the comment I'm thinking of, specifically (edit) WWI .
Yes, by “dumb” I mean in the sense of Sonny Corleone letting someone “outside of the Family” know what he was thinking. We all have had thoughts we are not proud of, are best left unsaid, and don’t really mean. I have no idea whether he said something like that or not, but his history of shooting off his mouth without thinking suggests it is at least possible.