not sure I favor this but Trump willing to work with dems on Dreamers Trump says he will work with Democrats to come up with a plan to help 'Dreamers' stay in US
While I'm hoping that Trump and the Democrats agree to a compromise I'll believe it when it happens. During his first term he was very close to an agreement with Schumer and Pelosi that would have provided the "Dreamers" with amnesty and then backed off when Ann Coulter went on Fox News and bashed him. To a lot of his more extreme supporters on the far right Dreamers are still illegal aliens who should be deported. Ann Coulter: I'd deport the Dreamers before deporting MS-13 members
There is a possibility now that Trump can’t run again he moderates and compromises. Ultimately he isn’t ideological at all. I’m not holding my breath though. If Democrats would be willing to hold their nose and say what a great guy he is he might do what they want. He is that vain.
I guess Trump was lying when he said he'd deport everyone here illegally? Totally awesome to see how Trump makes a comment and his supporters dutifully change their opinion. If I'm not mistaken, "I'm not sure i favor this" used to be "They're here illegally! They ALL have to go!!"
I think that is a healthy compromise, but it has to come with measures that mitigate the demand for illegal immigration to continue. I feel the same way about amnesty for this as I do about student loan forgiveness: great, deal with the problem we have, but what are we going to resolve this so we are not just doing the same thing again in five or ten years?
People do not remember this but right after Trump got elected the first time, Republicans were very, very worried about him being willing to do deals with Democrats and give away the store. The thinking was that Trump likes to do deals and as long as Democrats would deal with him and put his name on the legislation, they would get the majority of what they wanted. That was until Democrats started claiming he was illegitimate and conspired with Russia. That kind of killed the honeymoon period in ‘17. If Democrats avoid doing that and can tell their crazier members to not start planning the next Impeachment in public, I think you could see some deals getting done.
The problem with trying to compromise with dems- is the ONLY way dems compromise is for Pubs to move. their way
Actually it's the other way around. See my post #4 in this thread. Back in 2018, the Dems (Pelosi and Schumer) were willing to fund Trump's wall in turn for legislative amnesty for Dreamers. It was the MAGA pubs who refuse to compromise. The Dems did reject somewhat compromises from Trump on amnesty for Dreamers in both 2018 and 2019 that were based on Trump's word alone and didn't include legislation and it should be obvious why since absent legislation Trump could always change his mind.
The general election has turned into a liberalism (small l) primary referendum against both parties. The Pubs and Dems got played.
Trump thinks he can negotiate the constitution now? Whether you like it or not the constitution is pretty cut and dry on this issue.
Birthright Citizenship — the plan: 1. EO that suspends birthright citizenship for anyone subject to the jurisdiction of another country. Example 1: can’t cross the boarder [sic] at Matamotos / Brownsville to dual-citizen your child. Example 2: can’t prego fly in from China on “Birth Tourism” and have your child on a visitor visa. Example 3: Phd student has a child in the US while on student visa. Example 4: fleeing under a TPS and have a child in the US. 2. Lawsuits ensue and reference unresolved issues of United States v Wong Kim Ark 3. SCOTUS takes the case and narrows Wong Kim Ark. It’s going to be a massive change to get a birth certificate. Harmonize post Roe: When was the child conceived? Did parent have their green card in time?!
Disappointed in myself that I missed Trump's angle on birthright citizenship. He will issue XOs and other impermanent (possibly irrelevant) measures, to gin up opposition to this, in order to create a new political football. He may correlate it to the imbecilic wall somehow.....but he'll continue avoiding a legitimate demand-based solution that involves acknowledging and regulating a work force. Because he doesn't give a shit about solving and minimizing the issue. That would eliminate his biggest only campaign issue, and political reason for being.