This week's winning teams: Winner Jacksonville State Army Boise State Arizona State Ohio Georgia Marshall Clemson Oregon
Scoring for Championship week. Apex with a perfect week! -Week 15--Name ----15----ApexNC ----12----GoCocks3877 ----12----danmanne65 ----11----Wanne15 ----11----Bazza ----10----pigpen ----10----Gatorrick22 ----09----SmootyGator ----09----gatortenor37 ----09----Gatorhead ----09----gator_n_sc ----08----gatordavisl ----08----bperkins10 ----07----MRG8R ----07----manigordo ----07----kes ----07----GatorPrincess8 ----07----ETGator ----07----2oldgator ----06----tommyvee ----06----senecagator ----05----ocalaman ----05----obone ----05----gatormonk ----04----phatGator ----04----igabradley ----04----gator954 ----04----eastowest ----00----wrrgator ----00----jcmiller910 ----00----GratefulGator ----00----gatorstevelp ----00----audiogatorjim
This week's averages: (Not our best week!) No Plays---5 Possible---420 TOTAL---218 Avg. Points---6.606 Played Avg.---7.786 Week 01 - 7.182 Week 02 - 10.129 Week 03 - 9.03 Week 04 - 5.563 Week 05 - 12.548 Week 06 - 6.806 Week 07 - 9.813 Week 08 - 5.032 Week 09 - 10.839 Week 10 - 8.813 Week 11 - 10.613 Week 12 - 6.321 Week 13 - 6.467 Week 14 - 11.964 Champ Week - -7.786
And finally, here are the standings through Week 15, Championship week: --Total-- Name ---151--- tommyvee ---147--- MRG8R ---143--- gatormonk ---143--- gator954 ---142--- Wanne15 ---138--- Bazza ---133--- phatGator ---133--- ETGator ---131--- SmootyGator ---131--- pigpen ---131--- gator_n_sc ---128--- manigordo ---127--- Gatorhead ---126--- gatordavisl ---125--- danmanne65 ---125--- ApexNC ---124--- obone ---124--- bperkins10 ---123--- senecagator ---123--- eastowest ---122--- gatortenor37 ---121--- 2oldgator ---119--- kes ---118--- ocalaman ---118--- igabradley ---118--- audiogatorjim ---116--- GoCocks3877 ---111--- GratefulGator ---106--- Gatorrick22 ---106--- GatorPrincess8 ---085--- jcmiller910 ---067--- wrrgator ---013--- gatorstevelp
Bowl week will post on Tuesday, then the Playoff Week will be posted the following Tuesday. There will be some overlap with both going on at the same time. MADNESS! It will be Madness, I say!!!
Tulane and Louisiana…. Dope! Why would I pick Louisiana as number one? Scored 3 pts. as biggest line. There needs to be an investigation! This is madness! That or I just suck. One or the other.
Thank you Smooty for putting so much work and time in. I look forward to Pickem each week. Pretty close to bringing up the rear but, it’s still fun.
Louisiana was the difference in me having a darn good week and me having a bad week. I picked them because they were favored and were on home field.