Another false assumption. You assumed that my list was all inclusive, when I said no such thing. For example, I don't care if somebody once got into a bar fight. I would care if somebody hit somebody with a pipe. Both could be listed as "assault" on that list, however. The list doesn't contain enough detail for me to decide whether I would be okay deporting them.
That "future" is right now... And we all blame Biden for the invasion. No one is waiting to blame that imbecile.
No chance in Hell, and when that happens, watch the MAGAts start making excuses without the slightest awareness of their hypocrisy. The OP has already started!!
Going how far back? Might your ancestors have brought you to America illegally? I mean, damn man, can't you just be content with the criminals currently here illegally?
hugely expensive and economically disruptive. Plus it’s logistically hugely difficult. Especially while gutting the government. So… yeah not happening lol.
It will happen, because maintaining the border is part A. Future deterrence is part B. Both are integral in regaining control of our southern border (which should go without saying, but progs gonna prog).
Define "mass deportations". If the Trump administration expels 100,000 in the first six months does that qualify? I can see it not, the fight over semantics.
What's more, they knew this was going to happen before Joe took the oath of office. Including the child trafficking. Maintaining their power vis a vis new voting blocs was more important to them. What even more, is now you see the Biden/Harris supporters, knowing all this, throwing shade at the incoming POTUS for trying to correct the problem. It is by far a new low and it is a massive crime perpetrated against the people.
I’m just saying the admin is not going to go as far with it as you want them too it’ll be hard and disruptive and eventually unpopular because of the cost and disruption. Will the deport some people? Sure. Low hanging fruit types. (People already in prison, etc.). Will they try to strengthen the border? That should be “easier” so I hope so. But it’ll never go as far as you want it to.
Trump not even president and letting people know that his campaign promises were just lies. Hilarious. Queue up the people telling us that he didn't really mean exactly what he said. Or it will just take a lot of time (way longer than he has.) Anyway, let the justification for his lying and failure begin. President-elect Donald Trump in an interview airing Sunday said he would work with Democrats on a plan to “do something about” undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children.