Here, you have obviously been quite busy posting and might have missed this.:
Yeah, the guy you voted for was only adjudicated to have committed sexual assault. (You must be proud. )
The “your body my choice” incel cuck assaulted a woman? I’m shocked. It is ironic though that a woman is going to end up being his downfall, couldn’t happen to a nicer dick head.
….and it’s a massive indictment of how absolutely craven and stupid this country has become. I remember when the GOP clutched pearls over blowjobs. Edit: Oh, and also? Bless your heart for thinking “hE wOn” is some sort of validation for what’s coming.
So, do you people remember when I said, "Trump could shoot a baby in the face and MAGA would find a rationale for it? . . . And remember when people disliked it? . . . . . And disagreed? Yeah, so do I.
Yes, 49.9% is less than 50% and although my definition is different apparently a number of supporters of Trump seem to think that his 1.6% margin of victory was a landslide providing him with a mandate.